We sat there, both of us, just sitting there on the porch, staring out to the community house just wondering what on earth could be going on. Were we being attacked again? Had they changed their mines and come back to finish what they had started in the first place? I shook my head, it didn't make sense...
I could clearly hear Shannon's voice through the speakers, but I had no clue what she was saying, nor what it was that she was doing. Was she trying to sabotage us? It all began to make sense now, she was the one that was trying to take down our community... At the same time though, it really did not make very much sense to me.
Why would she do that? For what cause? She cared about our community. I looked over at my mentor for some advice, but it seemed like his head was trapped as well. It was weird to see him like that, because he told me to not be like that, and I had never seen him like that as well.
I just sat there for a few moments, just staring at him. My mind was lost in so much deep thought, and so was his. I knew that we should probably not be doing that. What we should be doing right now, was either running to see what was going on, or hiding.
I did not want to seem like a coward right now, but hiding seemed like the smartest play right now. My mentor then turned his head towards me, noticing that I was staring at him. Then he nodded his head at me, he was a bit embarrassed at himself.
As he was just about to talk to me, I heard the front door slam open loudly, I was about to tell whoever it was to not be so loud because of all of the dead that were outside, but as I looked at the streets I noticed that the dead were all running to the community house, and they were paying us no attention.
I turned my head right away however, just to see who it was that had just so haphazardly slammed open the door like that. I noticed it was Chester, and he had a very worried look on his face. I saw that my brother was hiding behind him, and when he noticed that we were okay he ran over to me and gave me a big hug.
I hugged him back, even though my mind was lost in so many dark and dangerous thoughts right now. I shivered, remembering what was going on, and it made sense that Chester had just slammed the door open like that, he wad worried, and it felt so weird to see him like this nowadays.
I tilted my head a bit back to Christian as he began to speak to Chester. My brother payed full attention to him as well, even though it did not matter to him, all that mattered right now was that he was safe inside. To be honest I wanted to interrupt him, just to tell them just that.
I didn't however, I payed full attention to my mentor, just like my brother was doing right now. I just wanted to hear what it was that he had to say, to Chester, or maybe to all of us. I then listened to what it was.
"Chester... Any idea why there might be loud yelling, or gunshots from the community house?" Christian said to him. I looked over at Chester, and I already knew what the answer was going to be to that question. I realized that Christian did not know what Chester had gone through, and how he had been added into our story line.
I saw the look on Chester's face, and it was just pure guilt. I knew why, I knew that he was still guilty about what he had done to his younger sister. I did not have anything to say to him, to make him feel better, because I would not have done what he had done, if I was in his shoes.
I would never run away from Liam, the moment that I had heard gun shots. It made me feel a bit sick, just even thinking about it. I would have made sure that my brother was safe first, and then I would have found out what it was, and the source that it was coming from.
That just who I was though, I knew that Chester probably was not paying any attention, it was not like he had purposely left his sister behind, at least I had hoped... He would not have told me that if that was what he had did, I knew that for sure...
All of us kept on looking at Chester, waiting for him to speak back to us. I knew he did not know what was going on, but I kept on staring at him anyways, I could tell that he was about to have a panic attack. I could also tell that Christian was starting to freak out as well...
I did not blame him either, Shannon had told none of us about her going up to the speakers, and then yelling to them and shooting out gunshots... It did not make sense, she was the only one at that place as well... Was she sacrificing her own life to save the rest of ours?
That did not make very much sense to me either, I could never see her doing anything like that. I then began to pay attention to Chester, as I heard him suddenly speak up his voice, which came as a bit of a surprise to me.
"No... I was hiding in the grocery store when I heard the gunshots... Ben found me there and brought me here." He said to Christian. We sat there for a few moments, I just waited as my mentor took in what he had just said to him. I saw him squint his eyes, almost as if he did not believe him.
I knew it was true however, and I nodded to Christian, and he nodded back to me as well. I noticed that Chester had also changed closed, so it looked like he was in a clean outfit, but I had told him where we had my stepfathers close at, and it was about his size.
I did not expect Chester to just straight out admit to leaving his sister behind, so it came as no surprise to me when he did not mention her to Christian. It looked like Christian was almost reading his mind however, and Chester noticed the same thing as well...
"Well... I believe that Ben found you, but what really happened before all of that, that is what I do not believe." He said back to Chester. I looked at Chester, and I saw him gulp down his throat. But Christian did not seem to notice it, or he did not say anything about it, and he was just testing Chester...
Did my mentor actually believe that Chester would betray us like that? I shook my head, and just waited for him to open up, and tell my mentor what really happened when all of this had happened. I waited for a few moments more, and then I began to hear him speak.
I looked at Liam, almost wanted to put my hands out his ears, just so he did not hear all of what was about to be said, but he had gone through much worse than that, so there was really no point in me doing that, and I pointed my ears all to Chester.
"I left my sister, we were taking a walk, and as soon as I heard the gunshots, I ran up to the grocery store and hid in the bathrooms... I expected her to follow me, but I was too fast for her... I was too afraid of going back because I heard people walking around the grocery store." He said to Christian. Christian looked a bit surprised, he had clearly not seen that coming from him, and it then began to make sense to him as well.
My brother just stared down at the ground, not as if he was lost in thought like I usually was when I looked down at the ground, but it seemed as if he had 0 thoughts, and 0 emotions going on in his head right now. I felt bad for him, but I felt worse for Chester now that he was replaying the story.
Christian just looked him in the eye for a few moments but he did not say anything about it. We all just sat there in silence for a few moments longer. Until I did hear the voice of my mentor finally decide to step up and speak his voice in all of this.
"Well... Be glad that you did not go in, and I am sorry that happened... I think you 2 should stay inside, we will come back in the next few days and tell you what is going on... If its been a week, that's when you need to get worried." He said to Chester. Chester nodded, and Liam finally lifted his head up now that he realized the story was finally over.
I felt a bit bad for him, my brother, he probably felt like the world was going to shit right now... He had lost everything, I always had a feeling in my head that one of these days, something like this was going to happen to us, it made me feel sick thinking those types of thoughts as well.
I looked back over to Chester, as I then began to hear him start to talk once again, to respond to what it was that Christian had just said to him. I could hear nothing but pain in his voice, and it just made me want to give up on this world, it was already over, was there really any point in being alive anymore?
I shook my head, trying to shake those thoughts from out of my head. Because, I knew that there was still a reason that I needed to be hear. I knew that Liam needed to have someone, and I was all that he had left... He could not just make it on his own here. I realized that Chester was talking still and I had missed the first couple of words that he had just said.
"Yes... But if I had just payed attention, she could have been hiding in there with me..." He said back to Christian. Christian turned his head down to the ground, I could tell he had wished that be had not pushed Chester into telling him about that.
I did not blame him, Chester looked guilty of something, he must have thought that he was lying... I went over to Chester, and then I gave him a big old hug, my brother ran over and hugged both of us as well. It made things feel better for me, it made me feel like there was still hope for the better, and that there was still a greater good in life.
I could have easily lost him as well, and I don't know where I would be at, if that were so. I knew the days before I had found out that he was still alive, and that he was okay, I felt like I was not a human... I still saved the lives of other people, but my brain felt like it was practically dead.
Chester then moved back a bit, and then he nodded to me. I looked down at my brother, and then gave him a bit of a forced smile. He did not seem to notice however, but somehow, he did manage to smile back at me. It made things not feel quite as tense in the room as they just were.
I looked back at both of them, and then I nodded to both, and then I looked back at Christian, and then I nodded to him, just to make sure he was ready to go, and to find out why there had been gunshots near the community house, just days after the attack had happened.
Christian just had his head down at the ground, and he was just lost in thought, I did not want to say anything to him, nor tell him how it was kind of hypocritical what he was doing right now. I would just give him the time to think through all of it, because he might not be thinking about what it was that I thought he was thinking about.
I looked back at the other 2, as I heard them quietly talking to one another, I could tell that my brother was trying to get him to calm down, and to make him feel a little bit better. It seemed to do a great deal of work as well. It kind of felt weird to me how they were friends already, a big 16 year old tall guy, and a 5 year old little kid.
I coughed loudly to get their attention, as they then both turned towards me, wondering why I had coughed so loudly. I shrugged my shoulders at them, and then I began to talk to the both of them, making sure that they were listening to me.
"You 2, you go inside, just wait for us, there is plenty of food and water inside for several weeks, if we haven't come back by then, we are probably dead... So I don't know what to tell you about that." He said to them. He was so straight forward I almost wanted to laugh, but I hid a giggle.
There was nothing to be laughing about if you knew what we were talking about. I nodded to both of them, and my brother ran over to me, just to give me one final hug. I hugged him back, and then he followed Chester back inside the house as he was waiting for Liam to come inside with him.
Once the door was closed, I looked back at Christian, as I saw he was just staring down the street, at where the community house was at. I could see the worried look on his face. I felt bad for him, I had not seen his face like that ever before...
Besides the time that he had gotten caught by Tony and his group. Who I was still not too sure about. As he realized that the other 2 had gone inside the house, and that they were safe now, he turned his head and then he nodded to me.
He then began to walk over to the door, just to make sure it was locked, and then he nodded almost to himself, as he turned his head back over to me. It looked almost as if he was just staring at something behind me, or just staring at nothing ness, but I could clearly tell he was looking at me.
I nodded to him, and then I waited for him to begin speaking to me, but he didn't seem to be paying attention no anything. So I did my best to get his attention by waving to him, and then beginning to speak, which seemed to do a semi decent job...
"Alright Christian... Lets go..."