

confession letter

"Hey," the man I've been thinking of, called and I dropped the letters in my hand. "Elixir!"

"I told you to stop calling me that!"

"Yeah well, I like calling you that so... no." smugness clear in his voice.

His arm proped on top of my head, like a couch's armrest. Because of our heated conversation, we hadn't noticed we were hogging up the middle of the enclosed hallway causing a student to bump into me, resulting the fall of my papers along with the letter I wrote for Stavros Koenig.

I knew I put up a facade; that I despised him when in fact it was quite the opposite. My heart raced underneath my chest, pounding so loud I was sure whoever was near me could hear how nervous I am. A hand placed on top of my mind, the gesture was kind yet I flinched in fright. Stavros Koenig bent down in front of me, staring me down as I stumbled upon myself. His eyes were hues of the forest, surrounded with dark moss. It was the kind of earthy green that revives the grass after a cruel, unforgiving winter. Interwoven shades hiding the chaotic nature behind. Never before have eyes held such danger and beauty all at once. He was a wild fire: reckless, untamed, yet undeniably captivating.

"What d'you got here?" I snatch the envelope out of his hand. He lifts his arms up in mock of submission. "Woah, easy there. Why are you so rough?"

With a huff, I ignored him. Still, even if I was mean, he helped in gathering the papers I scattered. Albeit I admit to myself that my heart fluttered when our hands touch, I won't ever allow him to hear that. His ego's already big enough, I will never hear the end of it if I confess. And, I doubt he saw me as something other than an annoying little sister. I stood from my crouching position and take hold of the papers he offered me with peaceful eyes, pouted lips. Gosh, this boy...

"Listen if you wanna go goof around, please don't do it with me around." my words made absolutely no sense, but with my mind blank and my legs trembling that's all I could think of.

The bell rung right on time, shining a sarcastic uneven smile his way before turning my heel to saunter away. As if Stavros and his escapades weren't enough for a day, my cousin could've might as well done it in the back seat. My eyes travel to Hermes, our driver, with a bewildered look; Tilting my head to gesture at the back. I expected him to scold him or something but instead, he turned a blind eye and turned up the radio. How could they remain calm and act as though Damocles wasn't making out with a girl at the back seat? I scoffed as my vision caught them still doing the nasty, from the rearview mirror. Hooking my headphones on, I drummed my fingers to the beat. As soon as we got home, I marched all the way up to my room and locked myself there.

Looking back at this moment, I never knew that Stavros did feel the same way. All until his confestion back when my father and cousin left me in his hands as they had to travel for business. I could recite those letters as if I wrote them yesterday.

To my dearest, Koenig.

I have no intention to send you this letter whatsoever, I've not want to add more to your ego. You might find this quite funny if you do, for whatever reason, find this letter. I will castrate you if you ever say a word about this.

To be honest with you, I never understood why the girls fawned over you. Why they choose to make themselves look like absolute dogs around you, but I guess I now know why. Ever since the day at the treehouse, I... I don't know what happened. My heart just, fluttered. Which is weird considering the fact that all I do is annoy you and hit you and... say mean things about you. But, that's not the case!

Gosh, this letter is so cheesy.

I don't know how to express myself through words. Heck, I can hardly express myself through actions. I guess what I'm trying to say is, I have a tinsy-winsy, tiny-whiny, little, itty-bitty crush on you. There I said it— or wrote, whatever. And I don't like it. I don't want to have a crush on you. I want it to go away and never comeback. It' never been an idea to inform you of this... feeling of mine, as well. I don't know how it happened, all of a sudden; the love songs reminded me of you and I picture you and I in the romance novels I read. I hate it so much, but at the same time... It wouldn't be so bad if you and I...

No! No, no, no, no! scratch that. Forget what I said jeez, this sucks. Having feelings and all this dilly-dally. I haven't had a crush in so long. My last crush was about four years ago: Tyrelle Fuchuwaza, he was pretty cute and japanese. I loved his voice. So deep and handsome. I'm getting off track, the online theraphist from google said that writing a letter to the person will help you forget, I don't know if that's true but I'm willing to try. I hope it does work, because if it doesn't... then fuck.


Vernamina Elixir.

P.S. I still hate your guts, just not as much as I used to.

Placing my brush down the vanity table; I pick up the tube of mascara and swiped a few coats on my thick lashes, lengthening them. A dab of lipstick and I'm done. Today, I'm going to the airport to pick up Stavros. Although he strictly told me not to, I'm going anyways. Damocles would accompany me as well as a handful amount of men, I don't know what he's worrying about. Wiping my sweaty palms down my blue jeans, I fix the unruly hair that hadn't been caught in the ponytail I sported. Cloira brought me my chanel sunnies, perching them on top of my head.

Spritzing a few of my perfume, I went out of my room to greet the chauffeur who will be taking us today. Damocles already clad in his dark blue suit, opening the door for me.