Hi, I'm reality

So much light, what the hell? Who would even open my window this early? Stupid Ryan, that's who and he was standing by my bedroom door. I was about to get up and knock the smirk off his face when I realized I was in bed with Lia.

Boy, oh boy.

Looking up to Ryan, I saw him close the door and I knew I wouldn't hear the end of his mischief today. Looking back to my side, the love of my life was sleeping beautifully.

Damn, she was still beautiful even with her hair all over the place. I just had to capture the moment. But if only my camera didn't make too much noise that pretty little memory would have been my secret and miss beautiful would still be asleep.

Either way, I had captured the moment. And I was just happy in my own subconscious world. Lia, my Lia. What would I do without this woman beside me?

Last night was so perfect. I had really missed her as she did me if the intense passion last night was anything to go by.

"Good morning". That voice, oh boy. I would gladly stay in bed the whole day if that was her wish for the day.

"Good morning too, my love". I responded as I leaned in to kiss her.

She tried springing out of bed into the bathroom, but my hold on her was just so tight yet very gentle.

"Where to miss?"

"My breath stinks, just let me go and I'll be back before you even know". She tried to persuade me but I was not having any of it.

"Baby, I'd still kiss you a hundred times over. Don't you ever feel insecure around me. Now get that pretty little ass back in bed".

"C'mon. Okay."

And there it was, that beautiful pout that had my lips on hers with the passion ignited fully. We ended up making love twice that morning, and I would gladly get back to bed for another round if she wished me, after all she was the only woman who'd command me.

If only I had known just what the fates and the stars had in store for the both of us.

Getting up, I knew I had to find a way to clear my debt soon enough to avoid several meetups with Jay's men. And I had to act fast. I knew time was closing in and if we did not make fast moves, there was no telling what could happen with Jay and his men since they held so much power over me.

I knew he had the power to buy out the company just to see me down if I did not pay my debts in time. It was also something that would be inevitable if we did not find solutions early enough. Oh, how sweet my life was. Not.

We all have people who are always going to be with us even at our lowest point. The people who have known us and still appreciate us even with our flaws. Those who value us even when the society keeps throwing large stones at them. They who love us unconditionally.

They whose appreciation of us is unlimited, like we are some art that doesn't depreciate in value, those who we are so sure will be by us all through. These very people become our hope and strength as we face the world and the universe.

They are always beside us, believing in us, trusting us, helping us and even being the best versions of themselves with us. These people never hide from us, the good and the bad, we share in all of it with them. Even if sometimes the choices and decisions made may be dangerous they never back out.

It's even funny how in the present society it is hard to find such people. I guess I was just one lucky person to have such company, my stupid best friend Ryan.

Ryan is one such person to me, my person, though I must ask, why are our people so dumb and stupid at times? Even then he was the one person I trusted blindly with my life and everything other than the Supreme One.

When we had gone to Jay's, we were so sure we wouldn't get any help considering we are rivals, but with Ryan's persuasion and convincing powers, we got what we went for. I knew he was good at that but still, it was almost like a far fetch just strolling into Jay's compound to seek a seventy-five million dollar loan. But we had no other viable options.

Everyone we had thought we could depend on suddenly became busy and they who offered to help, their help just wasn't enough but we appreciated it. I knew it would not be a good idea approaching Jay with all the conditions and restrictions surrounding his empire and finances but it was worth a shot.

On our way to Jay's, I tried thinking of the ways that I could have salvaged my company long before the drift even occurred but it was already late. I felt so foolish and stupid, constantly clicking and swearing myself against women and anything to do with alcoholic beverages.

Ryan was laughing at me all that while but I could see his fear and worry right through him. He was just trying to ease the tension in the car since we were going to be stuck here for two hours.

I don't remember how I even got myself to nap but somehow I did and woke up when we arrived at Jay's compound. It was big, way bigger than the one I was already used to but that is now what brought us here anyway.

There were so many guards around and technically this home was swarming with huge muscular bodied people for security and it was scary. With Ryan beside me, we went in and faced Jay's second in command who read us their terms of the agreement after Ryan's persuasion.

For that, I will always salute him.