Boneless City

Lexi p.o.v.

The boys were not home today, what a relief, this also meant it was just a feme zone. I have to be excited because the pigs of the house were out. I knew what they were going out for but I had to admit their cover story was pathetic. I wonder how Lia came around accepting that.

At least the house would be axe free; I swear that sometimes I think Lia lives with pigs under one roof.

The duo always over-wore their colognes that it was frustrating especially when they came home from work smelling like someone peed on them and surprisingly the women fell for that, what a waste of feels.

I wonder whether the girls who kept throwing themselves at the feet of the two idiots really did ignore their 'scents'. Okay, now I have to admit my brother and his best friend are good looking only that I look better than them.

The coming week was definitely going to be fun and we would definitely have several girls' nights which would be uninterrupted by the ever so nosy duo. It was almost like this was the first gasp of apparent freedom because we would get to have more shopping sprees.


Alex p.o.v

Nine hours.

Nine agonizing hours later, we reached Mauritius.

It was a less than amazing trip with Ryan's "exclusive" farts filling up the car all the damn time. It was as if he was a sewer, a walking human sewer. And it didn't help that I was the only one suffering here.

I was hungry, very hungry but sadly, all the food we had carried along, he had downed them like the human food tank that he was. And the music, my best friend's bad taste music still left me appalled to date.

According to him, good music mated with the heart. And only the 70s music could mate his apparently "blessed soulful heart".

I suffered for nine hours.

Nine hours of sunshine burning right through Ryan's junk of a car. He knew this would happen. He knew that I would suffer but he still chose this old junk anyway.

This junk did not have an air conditioner, lucky us because the weather was not showing us any mercy, but of course, this boy in a man's body knew it. He claimed that to get to our goal, I had to get my high ass off the entitled table and that I had to pretend we were poor lads wading through the sunshine.

My stupid airheaded best fvcking friend made me wear shorts from 4 am to 1 pm. And water, this bastard drank all of it, claiming he was the tour guide and that he needed more energy than I did. We had carried 24 bottles, but I only got to drink 3 bottles. And even with the amounts of water, he drank he still made the car smell like a sewer thanks to his farting career.

Oh, how I love his stupid career smh. Sometimes I wish we had boarded a plane. It would be a nice short trip and I wouldn't be a walking sewer like my asshat friend.

Fvck this life.

But of course, we couldn't do that too because apparently, Master Ryan wanted me to experience life beyond my comfort zone. And life beyond my comfort zone construed his heavenly self.

I could whine all day but then what was done was done. One thing was sure though. I was not boarding that old junk for our return trip.

Not again.

When we got off that car, I was more than happy despite the sun that was burning right through my soul. Ryan was exhausted, we both were but then we had to do this fast.

I had taken a five-day leave and I promised Lia we'd be back in three days. And knowing my woman, she'd start nagging me if I didn't get home then. It was not like she was my commander or anything, but women will always be women and I loved her too much to make her angry.

We were in the remote parts of this country and it did not help that we still had a long way to go. The only good thing about this was that we were no longer going to use the junk we came in. That was more relieving more than the fact that my stomach was grumbling.

We would eat later.

Given that Ryan had been here before, he knew his way around. As planned we went to Boneless city. This city was not a city, but it was a slum, a gang operated slum so I was not even appalled at its name.

We were going to meet our informant Saul there. Saul was the snitch in Tyler's gang. He was the one who kept us up to date with everything that Tyler did.

Every move that he made we were aware of but even then the past three years had not been easy. The bastard was always on the run and one step ahead of us. I hoping that his intel was correct this time.

Tyler was a wannabe drug dealer when we first met five years ago during one of the infamous Almanac trips. He was a drug addict who was willing to do anything just to get his daily dose of coke. He was still young then and I pitied his state given he lived on the streets of the Grand port province, specifically the boneless city.

He was a survivor who knew his way around the streets and that was very crucial to our lifestyle. So when he claimed he wanted to do whatever it was we did but he did not have enough capital and came to us at the almanac to ask for help, we considered the bastard.

Considering his drug usage was off the charts, Jia and I considered him. He would be useful to us since with his connections we would widen our scope of sales. Everything went on for two years until he couldn't pay his 20million dollar balance.

We had a policy of giving the people some time to present their pleas before we took action, just like Jay was now doing to Ryan and I. Tyler fled the country. He knew Sinaloa was going to be small for him since I had connections everywhere so tucked his tail and ran off to Mauritius.

It took us some time to find out where he was and we were okay with watching him from a distance all the while hijacking his supply. All was well until Jay came or should I say until Reina got into my life.

I really hate that woman.
