Phonecall of Doom

Third-party pov

The beautiful one knew of the damages she had caused and had calculated the odds in her favor. This was supposed to make her feel better. The fact that she would lead Alex straight to her should have made her excited even, but it all left her anxious.

She was stuck in a loop of different emotions, all that was triggered by the god who had claimed her, the god she had willingly given part of herself to. the one person who had no idea the effect he had on her, and maybe that was okay because, in a world like hers, emotions were the worst thing that could ever happen to anyone.

things like that had proven over time to be a distraction and in this line of work, that alone would cost lives. she was not ready for that. It's not like the god would know she wasn't totally his. But she wanted him to find her and nothing put her on edge than her inability to calculate the probabilities of success.