Three Seconds, Minutes, Hours??

Third-party pov

Three minutes in hell. 

Seven minutes in heaven and shit. 

Fuck that thing was messing with Alex's head. 

They had three minutes left and he was nowhere close to getting to Lia. I would never forgive myself if anything ever happened to the woman I loved and had always loved me with the same intensity. I was not going to lose my woman. I would much rather lose myself than her and that was something I was willing to do.

I had come barging in when I knew I had no skills on how to detonate a bomb. My best bet was that I would get it out of her and then wear it because if blood would be for blood then it would most definitely be my blood and not hers. 

After a few checks here and there, I found her, the woman I had been looking for but that got me baffled was her state. She was sleeping, or unconscious, maybe but she seemed too rested. Like she had given up all hope of salvation.