Denial is a Bitch

Lexi pov

I'm trying to process everything that just happened in the past week. One moment it was all fun and games. Playing around with makeup, trying to figure out why and how people would even come up with makeup.

Then the next thing I know is we're ambushed.

I feel mentally displaced.

Nothing is okay.

The hows and whys keep me hoping.

I keep praying, hoping that when I finish praying, I will be waking up from the worst nightmare ever. I'll just close my eyes, what could go wrong anyways? But then why are my eyes open, and why is it so dark in here even during the day?

I realize I've been stuck in bed since we got from the hospital.

Trying to hide under the covers.

And I close my eyes and wait for sleep to take over. It really needs to take over.

I just want to stay here.
