Unanswered Questions

When the self-destructing sequence began, a part of Ryan was also destroyed. This was basically the last time he could ever see his ever so jovial boyfriend. This was literally the last thing he had of him and that too was destroyed. He literally had nothing to hold on to anymore, maybe the memories would do him one better. All he had to do was hope that he didn't get amnesia because that would be fate's worst punishment for him. Maybe all this happened for a reason, but would there ever be a justifying reason to be left alone in a cruel world?

Questions and more questions were all Lexi and Ryan had when they left the cybercafé. They had learnt so much from the video that felt like the last goodbye, well it literally was the last goodbye and the duo was seriously trying not to break down.

Who really were the vigilantes? 

Why did they need to attack the Garners and why did they use Dylan? 

What was the role of the Almanac in this?