Blank Space

Lexi is furious by the time she catches up to Carlos and she really wants to smash his head in but then again, she has to remind herself of the enemy and the allies. There's been a lot of reminding herself lately and if the Spanish bastard hurrying out there tries anything, then the knife well tucked under her belt will finally be of some use to her.

Ryan looks different, not the beautiful kind and definitely not the ugly kind of worried, that would be weird. He looks worried like he's thinking about something. If this were a normal situation, Lexi could have told him to talk to her, maybe she could have managed to help him through it. Their current situation is nothing like normal.

Normal doesn't have you run behind a guy whose step equals seven of yours.

Normal doesn't include the stench of emotionlessness in the air around the trio.

Normal never involves a three-person battalion armed to the fullest like a storage unit for guns and weaponry.