Slaying Giants

The night was calm, and beautiful, especially with the moon shining up above them. Everything seemed to be okay, save for the tension that lay between the duo that was determined to make everything right. Maybe this was the only way to do it, and it didn't matter that they had work tomorrow, they could get in late and no one would question them anyway.

"babe... Did you like the date?" Lexi began, trying to ward off the thick tension between them. It was difficult to even think that just a few minutes ago there was aband making the night beautiful as time went by. She was hoping Mia liked it, but if she didn't like it, then Lexi would do better next time, till she did like the setups.

"yes. It was so perfect, I loved it. How long did it take you to set this up? And you actually cooked. Wait, you cooked belle." Mia was excited and amazed at the same time.