Royally Screwed

Anonymous pov.

In a world where everything had its own version for everyone, I lived, I fought and I survived.

It was supposed to be easy, just getting in and out. Collecting information that would be useful to the man who had owned me for long.

I wasn't supposed to have any ties with anyone. Simple and clean, just how he always liked it, and simple and clean it was, only that my choice that night got me to pay a price I would always regret whatever the fuck is left of my life.

I wanted a choice, but I didn't know that one choice would leave a blank space in the life I had lived. I was supposed to have o regrets, but the price I had paid was too much, to the point that not even I, could handle it all. Granted this was my doing, but could it be my undoing at the same time?

Why did it feel like I was playing a losing game, and worse, why in all possible fucks was I no even scared to lose?