
"Excuse me…could you get some food for the patient. She needs to eat; otherwise, she will faint again." The doctor said to the siblings, who looked like they had just realized water is essential for survival.

For the first time in a while, they all felt stupid. They had kept the patient talking for so long that they almost forgot she was in this state because of her internal bleeding. She was supposed to be properly fed before anything else, but they had almost forgotten that.

nick facepalmed himself t the realization. He wondered how stupid they all had to be to forget that amelia was still a patient before anything else. Their reunion would come later but for now, they needed to let her rest, and more than anything they needed to get her fed.

That was the only way she would ever get better. 

"I'll go get the food. Just give me the cash," Nick said before the brothers said anything. "It'll be easier if it's just me. Besides, it won't draw attention.