I'll Be Back

It had been five days since Jia's panic attack, and everything was going on well. But the siblings knew they were still waiting for something, something that only one of them knew.

They were all anxious about it, and it seemed like they were not planning on letting go of the subject anytime soon. Amelia knew they were all waiting for her to tell them what had happened to her and why she was in the state she had been.

She knew they wanted an explanation because a whole week of putting everything on hold for a family was supposed to mean something. It was supposed to yield something, and right now, the only thing they all wanted was to know whatever the fuck had happened to amelia.

Granted, they already knew Jia's story, and everyone was aware of Carlos ad Damien being their brothers; hell, even jenny accepting the brothers. But that didn't stop them all from looking at amelia like she was the one they were waiting for.