Deciding a vacation

"Have you ever been to Maldives?" Claudia asked me.

"Nah. But is it a nice place?" I asked.

"Yeah. I went when Mum and Dad were still together. Which was ages ago."

I smiled at her.

It was our last day together in college .

"You know... we should go Fiji." Claudia mumbled.

"What!?" I gasped.

Claudia crossed her hands together and looked down. I looked at her, shocked.

" Well I mean, it's a beautiful place Lyne." she said.

Did Claudia actually think that I would ever go to Fiji?

Claudia walked to the other side of the college dormitory and took something out of her drawer.

"Do you actually think I will listen to what you just said Claudia?" I started to get angry, but instead my tears dripped down.

"Lyne. Sit down here. Listen, why don't you want to go to Fiji?"

"You know Clauds!" I stammered.

She knew everything about my parents. I'd told her when we'd first met. Surely she didn't want to go there.

She explained how I should be more careful now because as we get older we get mature and are able to tackle more things.

" So let's go to Fiji. Everything will be alright, and you'll really like it - I promise!"

She handed me a purple box with shiny star stickers stamped on the lid. I recognised it at once. " Hey!!! This is what you said you're give to me when I would turn 19, right?!"

I couldn't t believe she had kept it. She nodded and stroked the top of the box and laughed. I wonder what's inside of this?''I wondered.

I moved the huge pillow I had been leaning on and sat on the carpet.