
The Foreigner (Prologue 2)



What the fuck, why does everything hurt? Why can't I speak? Why am I gagged?


Someone's fucking hitting me, the fuck did I do?

Suddenly, someone grabbed my throat.

"Where's the entrance, you fucking savage?! You have the key, tell me where it is!" As he screamed in my face he tore the rag out of my mouth. I could breathe again.

"W-wha? don't know... talking about." I mumbled incoherently. The shock left me unable to remember, unable to piece words together.

"Fucking useless piece of SHIT!" He rounded onto me, smashing his fist into my face, knocking the chair I was bound to onto the ground along with me. The chair broke with a sharp snap. Adrenaline made me forget the pain, and I struggled, straining my body against the ropes, not responding to the madman.

The man seemed to calm down a bit. After a series of kicks that progressively became weaker and weaker, he backed away, out of breath.

"I'll kill you..." *pant* "... like a fucking dog if I have to. You have one day to tell me where it is before I throw you into the woods. The woods will consume every part of you."

He then walked out of the room, locking it behind him.

'Argh...gotta get out of here'

That man was not very professional with his bindings, they were already fairly loose but knocking the chair down almost untied them directly. As such, only a scant few minutes of struggling allowed me to break free. I stood up and surveyed my surroundings.

"Fucker stole my key..." I didn't know what the key was, but I remember...something. I knew that key was important, something important to me, though I can't recall why. It seems like he did something to my memories. No, that can't be right...

As I stood up, pain washed into my body. I was bruised and battered, but I only felt it now.

Some old, bloody clothes were lying about the room. Was this some kind of torture room? He doesn't seem like he would be that professional...

Rummaging through the clothes, I found some rags and wires. Covering my wounds with the rags, I felt myself healing rapidly, flesh mending and bones reconnecting inhumanly fast. 'Wound must've not been that bad' I thought.

Looking around the room, I also found some sort of container, with a metal lock latched onto the handle. Instinctively, I reached for my wires, and although I don't remember ever learning how to lock pick, the lock clicked open in seconds, like one of those... what were they called again?

Inside the container was a shovel, albeit a bit battered. This would make a good weapon for now. There was nothing else in the room, no windows, only one door. If I wanted to escape I would have to break the door.

I readied my shovel.


I swung it.


I have to get out.


I have to survive.


The door violently swung off its hinges, scattering across the floor, screeching and scraping on the floor. The entire house was dark, and it seemed like no one heard the door. Quietly, I explored the house, finding miscellaneous medical reports across the house. I also came across a generator which I flicked on.


Next to the generator was a diary, probably from the man who kidnapped me. I skimmed through it. All the entries except for the last one were normal, just survival tricks and some animals he recorded while out in the wild. The last one was scrawled out in messy, handwriting, like he was in a hurry.

"The night is becoming too dangerous. I have to leave before it becomes too late. My daughter is waiting."-is all its contents were.

I realized that it was about to be night soon, due to the blood-red sunlight streaming through the barricaded windows. I guess I'll have to stay here for the night.

'At least he barricaded the windows before he left.'

Although I still wanted my key back, I felt like I could understand him more. Anything to survive. Just like me.

As I was getting familiar with my surroundings, a man's voice rang out.

"Please? Is anyone there?" The voice came from a door that I haven't opened yet. I didn't feel like opening it at that time but now I saw no reason not to.

"Why were you locked in there?" I asked while fumbling with the lock.


"I-I don't know man, he just did it for no reason! I was just his patient!" The man sounded pitiful, and my dislike of the doctor only grew.

I entered the pitch-black room, and I couldn't see a thing. There was a wall between us, along with an doorway leading deeper into the room, where he supposedly was.

"Come closer..." he whimpered.

I complied, stepping towards the doorway, but as I stepped forward he suddenly appeared in front of me and slugged me right in the face!

The man looked thin and severely out of proportion, with sunken eyes. But the most eye-catching about his looks was a scar running down the middle of his body, stopping around his navel, like he was split in half and rejoined together. As I stared at him he stared at me, his eyes mocking and full of madness, yet he strangely never stopped whimpering, making sad pitiful moans while smiling savagely at me.

"Oh I'm s-sorry, I couldn't help myself... W-will you forgive-ve me?" His voice was oscillating between deep and high and his body was positioned like a feral dog on all fours, preparing to strike.


I responded my raising my shovel.

As he bounded towards me, whimpering with a twisted smile on his face, I simply waited for him to reach me...


Right when he was about to bite me, I lunged with my shovel, plowing the blade of my weapon straight through his eyes, and into his brain.

"That, that was almost too easy"

I tore the shovel out from his head while he lay twitching on the ground. I watched as his purple brain matter flowed into the floor. Wait...I don't think brains are supposed to be purple...

"HeHEhE...yo..u...and how do you...want to get out now?"

My nightmare was only beginning.

"You thi..nk you can man..age all by your...self?"

The voice was guttural, and seemed like it came from the chest.


Suddenly screams and wails came from outside, chilling me to the bone. The cries became louder and louder, approaching the house quickly.

"hea...r...it? ehe...hehe...I'll join them soon..."

Fear blossomed in my chest. What did he mean by joining them? The nightmares in the dark?

A wet ripping sound rang across the room. As I focused onto the man, I instinctively stepped back. His scar, running down his body, was rippling, making inhuman sounds as his body strained to pull itself apart down the dark red line.

I shrank into the corner, what was I supposed to do?


His upper body suddenly split into two parts, only connected by his, no, its waist. Blood gushed from its internal organs, dyeing the upper body red and leaving the lower body a stark contrast with its pale grey color. Its exposed ribs and bones chattered and moved like mandibles, pointing towards me menacingly.

"MRRGLRLRMGRRR!!" it roared as it charged towards me. I ran out of the room, and slammed the door behind me, pushing as many furniture items against it. No way, no way I'm fighting against that thing.

As I was hiding, I heard the door cracking and buckling under the creatures assault. Every hit was vocalized by the door and the inhuman growls of that thing.

Suddenly, I heard a different sound. Gunshots from the distance, could Hope be on the way, can I even be saved? It was the only hope that I had, and I clung to it.

"HERE! I'M IN HERE" I shouted at the top of my lungs. The things outside already knew where I was so I tried to also tell Hope where I was as well.

Right as the door was about to be forced open, I heard it. Salvation. A gunshot in the other room, piercing the door and landing beside me. The door creaked open, and an unfamiliar figure stepped in.

He reached his hands towards me....

And the world faded to black.