Finally Arrived!

"Now he said, 'thank you for your time! I think I got a hang of the technique! I promise I will make you proud, Master!" Natalia's friend said to her on her watch.

"Ya, and! What else did he say!" Natalia eagerly said. 

"Ummmm… I think the call is now over…" Her friend replied.

"What the fuck! This is bullshit! I refuse to believe that he was actually calling his non-existent master! I know my findings are not wrong! They can't be! He must be hiding something! That's the only explanation!" 

"I should have asked you to send your scouting spirit bug to spy on Jayden Griffith instead! Fuck! If only you can use your ability to summon 2 spirit bugs then there would have not been a problem!" Natalia Cursed. 

"Ummmm… I'm sorry, Natalia…Are you ok… I've never seen you so mad about anything before… Are you sure you're ok?" Natalia's friend nervously asked.

"Oh yes! Of course, I'm fine! Thank you so much for worrying about me!" Natalia replied in a cheerful tone. 

"Ha ha ha, ya! Glad to see that you're back to normal now!" Natalia's friend said, feeling now calmer.

"Anyways, I'll contact you again if I need your help! Good luck on the exam! And watch out for ***** ******** keep me updated on them," Natalia said in a serious tone. 

"And don't worry! I'll keep an eye out for them! I will keep you informed about everything! Good luck to you on the exam as well!" Natalia's friend said, in a playful voice, ending the call. 

After Moby ended the call with Jayden, he immediately went back to his team only to find out that Natalia was not there. 

"Hey, where is the team leader at?" He asked the rest of the group. 

"Oh her, she said she was going to take a leek. She should be back any second now. We only have 5 minutes left until the exam starts. Why now of all times does her bladder have to be full. I really wanted to get there early! I've never been off the planet before! I bet it will be so fun!" Travis replied to Moby in his usual enthusiastic tone. 

Just as Travis finished his last sentence, Natalia finally arrived. 

"Ok, guys I'm back!" She said with a bright smile. 

"Took you long enough! Does it really take that long to take a piss? Are all women like this or is it just you?" Travis replied with a chuckle. 

As soon as he said that, the rest of the group looked at him like he was crazy. After seeing Natalia's power level, everyone in the group became extra weary and afraid of her. 

Everyone except for Travis. 

'What the fuck is this idiot thinking! Does he have a death wish or something?' Everyone thought in unison. 

'This guy kinda reminds me of myself before I got the system. Completely lacking common sense. Does he have a demon artifact as well?' Moby asked Avilia. 

'I highly doubt it. I sense no demon energy coming from him. I think he's just straight up retarded,' Avilia replied. 

'I also came to the same conclusion,' Moby inwardly nodded.

However, instead of getting angry as everyone expected, Natalia just calmly replied. 

"Well, it was pretty crowded in there. It took me forever to get in,' Natalia replied, scratching the back of her head. 

'I smell bullshit. No way that it's a coincidence that me and her left at the same time. She was definitely spying on me just like I assumed. I hope she bought my bluff. I can't let her find out the truth just yet. I need to confirm a few things with my own eyes first,' Moby thought. 

"Ya, I feel ya… Bathrooms can be pretty shitty at times! Get it! Shitty! Does anyone get it! Umm… Anyone?" Travis said, trying his best at attempting a joke only for audible cricket noises to be heard instead of laughter. 

"Ya, we get the joke… It's just not funny," Haley said, feeling the cringe.


"We need to head to the teleporter to start the exam. We only have a few minutes left. I think we are probably the last team," Natalia said, walking towards the teleporter at the centre of the arena.

"Hey, bud! Hold my stuff! Don't lose any of it Mr. porter! It's pretty important! Thanks a lot!" Travis said, dumping his huge bag on Moby before walking away in a joyful mood as if nothing happened. 

'This guy…' Moby thought with a really long sigh.

"Here! Take my stuff too! Don't you dare touch anything! If anything goes missing it's your fault! This is the only thing you're good for. "Mr. Porter!" Jay said with a smirk followed by a laugh, dumping his bag onto Moby as well. 

'This shit bag must be feeling so high and mighty right now. He must have gotten tired of me destroying him in practice every day. He's way too arrogant. I'll remember to put him in his place after this is over,' Moby thought. 

'So are you gonna kill him!' Avilia asked in excitement!. 

'Ummm no… I wouldn't kill someone over just trash talk. I was just going to humiliate him in front of the entire class or maybe school,' Moby replied. 

'Awww… Well, humiliation is still fun. I guess it's not that bad, 'Avilia replied. 

'Does she think she is watching a damn movie?' Moby thought. 

'You know I heard that, 'Avilia replied with a chuckle making Moby a little embarrassed. 

'It does get boring monitoring you and testing your worth as the future demon lord. I need a little entertainment to keep me going you know!' Avilia said with a chuckle.

"Ummm. Mr. Moby Kane… I was wondering if it would be okay with you if you held my stuff as well…" Neia said, handing Moby a small white bag. 

'At least she called me by my actual name. She doesn't seem like a bad person. At least there is one decent person in my entire group,' Moby thought.

"Of course! It's ok! Don't worry, this stuff is not that heavy!" Moby replied with a smile, taking Neia's bag away from her hand.

"Thank you so much! I really appreciate it! I kinda feel bad for you, the way you are so badly treated by the rest of the team. I hope everything goes well for you!" Neia said with a bright smile. 

"Don't worry about it! I'll be just fine!" Moby replied with a smile. 

After a minute or so, Moby's team finally checked in with the teacher at the teleporter. 

She gave Natalia all the required equipment. 1 teleporter rod, an emergency button, and a monster rank guide.

They were indeed the last team to arrive. 

Moby's team all stepped on the teleport pad and awaited their teleportation. 

Suddenly, a white lighted shined from under them. 

The teacher said, "Good luck on the exam guys!" Before a white light completely engulfed them. 

When Moby opened his eyes once again. He was in what seemed like a desert with orange sand. The sky shined a bright red instead of its usual blue with no clouds in sight. 2 moons could be seen in the sky. The temperature was very warm but not to the point where it was uncomfortable.

'This planet looks pretty cool,' Moby thought, inspecting his surroundings.

"What the fuck! I thought this planet was supposed to be rainy with forests and shit!" Jay exclaimed. 

"Ya, it is. Look in front of you! There is a forest 2 km straight ahead of us you big oaf. Just because a planet is predominantly forested and grassy doesn't mean that other areas don't exist, " Hayley responded with a sigh.

"Wow! It's morning! Isn't it supposed to be like night time on 75% of the planet?! I guess we got lucky and ended up in a sunny part of the planet! That's pretty cool!" Travis said, looking around in amazement. 

'Ya, that's true! Imagine if instead of a demon system, I had a vampire system instead! I would now be either dead or severely weakened just for being unlucky enough to be teleported in a sunny area… on a predominantly dark planet. It would be so annoyingly retarded!' Moby thought with a chuckle. 

'Don't even compare the two! We demons are so much better! Vampires are just our summons! Nothing more,' Avilia replied. 

"I hope there aren't any strong sand monsters on this planet…" Neia said nervously. 

Suddenly, an announcement played on everyone's watches all at once. 

"Attention all students! The exam will commence in 30 seconds! Any monsters killed before the timer ends will not be counted! So, be patient!" 

"Happy hunting and see you in a week!" The voice of the professor said through the watches. 


Sorry for the late chapter, I was trying my best to draw a new cover for my novel as the one I am currently using is not original and there are many that looked like it. I wanted a new one before I get featured or something. it ended up on failure. It was only a day of work but still... I will post what I did in the comments. you can flame me as much as you want 😂. If any of you knows anyone that does cheap commission for art or know anyone that could help me out it would be much appreciated! Thanks a lot! I will now focus all my time on writing instead of drawing lol. My dreams of being the next Vincent range are shattered 😔.

I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! <3

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