Killer Queen

As Abby slowly opened her blurry eyes, she noticed the figure of a blue-haired boy, who was surrounded by a group of people, healing her wounds. It was none other than Graydon Vrain, the healer from her team. 

As she lifted her head and sat down, she noticed that most if not all her wounds were healed, this also included her lost limbs, skin, and eye. 

<< The Queen Is Alive and well!! Hurrah!! >> screamed the previously worried goblins who were surrounding her, laughing and celebrating like it was the greatest day of their lives. 

"We are so glad that you are alive team leader Abby!! We were all so worried about you!!" Retta said with a smile, followed by the nods of all her teammates. 

"Thanks for looking out for me guys! It means more to me than you think!!" Abby said with tear-filled eyes, as she now knows how much her teammates cared about her and how much of an amazing leader she has been.