A Demon Lord's End...

"After that, I did not stop my goal, I wanted to grow even stronger… Kill more… Prove my worth to the world. And that was exactly what I did…"

"In that same month, I was able to conquer my entire home planet, planet Etna,"

"I tested out my ability on demon beasts only to find out that it also worked without a problem. And, with a hoard of demon beasts by my side, I was able to easily take out every last tribe on the planet with minimal difficulty,"

"Out of everyone, I left a few of them alive as my loyal servants, making them bend and submit their will to me as I ruled them with an iron fist, keeping them even after my 1-week control over them was over. I needed a few normal subordinates, not just a few beasts that I control for 1 week before killing them off,"

"One of those subordinates later became my best friend, Chehera, a succubus and future sin of lust, "