An Exploit to Life?

'Okay, okay, let me get this straight… so you saw that a random beast had invaded your subspace, you assumed that it was my inner spirit so you decided to give it a friendly greeting to judge its character and see what kind of person it was. It responded rudely which led you to laugh and reveal your true identity which made it extremely stiffen up. Then, in the next second, you opened your eyes and it was dead, impaled by its own ice spike. You don't understand why that even happened and you are extremely mad and frustrated as you were not able to ask it any questions and get some of the answers you were seeking. Did I miss any important details?' Moby asked in a composed voice, calming down from his initial outburst as he listened to Avilia's retelling of the story. 

'Yes… that is all correct…' Avilia responded, still in disappointment.