A Big Problem Errected

As soon as Moby heard the man's words, he inwardly took a sigh of relief. If the retrieval team was not coming anytime soon, that cut off most of his worries about the time crunch. It very much worked out in his favour since he had no plans of losing. Now, he was able to take his time in ensuring that he left no evidence behind, meaning that he had to eradicate every last person in the forest, including the 2 in front of him that Ray claimed he stood no chance against.

"So, Nags! You're really letting me take him on all by myself first? If you want we can team up on him and get it over with quick,"

"I said that it's fine Jason! You kept on nagging about it so much that I couldn't take it much longer, just don't lose and become a disgrace, I might have to abandon you if that happens. Besides, if he can't even beat you he would never stand a chance against me,"