Janitor (2)

After 1 or 2 minutes of non-stop running, jumping from tree to tree to lessen his footprints, he finally reached his destination, the old battlefield where Abby's and Alex's fight took place.

Yet, before he even surveyed any of the surroundings, he instinctively jumped up all the way towards the highest tree in the area with no hesitation as he fully remembered it from Alex's memories. 

The highest tree was not only where Renren theoretically should have been but also the best perspective and outlook to scout the entire, rather large battlefield below so he had no reason not to go there first.

Yet, when he reached his destination, the hint of excitement on his face faded away into mellow disappointment, unlike what he wished for, the short, blond-haired Renren was gone, disappeared without a trace. 

It seemed like unlike what they thought, she did remember to take him, making both Moby and Avilia let out a long sigh.