Broken Boy (2)

Ray closed his eyes and spread his arms out wide, taunting his opponent to come at him with a less than natural grin on his face.

All he was doing was preparing himself to be knocked out, once again accepting his fate…

There was no point in fighting back, with his level of strength and no plans up his sleeve, he was as good as dead. Fighting would have only delayed the inevitable and cause him more pain than if he just went with the whims of fate and where they would eventually lead him. 


Ray's ears rang loudly with a snap that shook him to his very core, the smile on his face not fading away yet becoming more jittery as he prepared himself to feel an immense amount of pain, most likely from Jason's signature punch to the stomach which was why he put his arms out wide as to leave that area exposed since if he had blocked, Jason would have both broke his arms and hit his vitals at the same time, leading to more pain in the end.
