
'Hmmm? Come again? I don't think I heard you correctly… Maybe that punch to the gut made my brain stop working too…'

Avilia took a deep breath in his mind before repeating what she had said prior. 

'I said that he was using angel energy! That's why his body was also stronger than yours!'


On the outside, Moby's face seemed completely relaxed being healed by one of the healer maids but in complete turmoil on the inside.

He considered and disregarded many things, including the possibility of Mason being an angel himself since Avilia would have been able to sense him prior so he narrowed it down to one conclusion. 

'So… What you're telling me is that the martial arts he's using requires angel energy from the air leftover from the great war between angels and demons and mine requires the demon energy instead?'

'Precisely,' Avilia nodded, before continuing.