Mellow Celebration

"This will be the end of today's events and festivities! Congratulations to everyone and I hope to see all you first years on this stage next year!"

The crowd that had previously been half asleep roared once more, cheering on their hero and face of the school that would be representing them in the big leagues. 

Trying to hide his inner turmoil, Moby was escorted off the stage, but instead of going back to where his friends once were, he was escorted to another room behind the stage, him and HikariYami. 

There, they had a long meeting with General Ryker, who explained to them many details about elite school and letting them ask any questions they wanted to ask while at the same time apologizing for the short notice of informing them. Needless to say, Moby bombarded him with several questions so he was absolutely certain about everything whilst Hikari sat there nervously silent, Yami switching in every now and then to ask interesting questions.