
Moby stood quietly on the moving walkway still taking in everything around him. The walkway was moving so fast that what felt like ages away now was in his face, making him stare at the glowing city below him.

That was when he felt a small tug on his legs as they were about to reach their destination. And, when he looked down, it was Hikari just like he expected, a mixture of nervousness and fright on her face. He was so confused on why she was acting in such a way, he wanted to ask her but with the quietness of everything around him, that would only make him stand out even more. 

For now, he simply had to deal with it. He chose to ignore her, taking a deep breath as they entered a tunnel most likely leading towards that massive building they saw in the distance. The tunnel showed various lights of different colours, along with the flag of every single country in the world before they all exited onto a metal platform.