
"W-wha… How did you get here…" He whispered with wide-open eyes, which led to a small chuckle from the man ahead of him.


"Oh, seems like the bell rang. I didn't get a chance to introduce myself last time, Moby Kane… I am Artorias Kalameet, but you can call me Art. It is nice to finally meet you,"

The man simply smiled at him with what seemed like graceful love and care but Moby could not shake off the feeling that there was something else… 

And, before he could even respond, a loud voice rang throughout all of their ears. 

"Good morning students and staff! Congratulations on making it to your first day of class! This will be the beginning of your new journey. A journey that will be tough but not impossible with perseverance! Everyone, please stand for the international anthem!"

{ The world is our homeland, earth is our domain. All…}