End of Round 1

the crowd roared loudly at the spectacle of domination they just witnessed and at the confidently smiling man standing tall in the middle of the arena, raising his hands up in victory. Yet, some of them stood there with wide-open eyes, keenly watching from the shadows.

He was truly a force to be reckoned with, he did not tire nor sweat taking out such an opponent like he was a mere pebble on the side of the road.

However, that could not be farther from the truth. What he presented on the outside was nothing other than a mere facade to hide his inner struggles. He just made it all look so seamless as he hid everything to keep his outer persona. 

What he did was nothing but a clever manipulation of his stats to give himself an advantage. Usually, when a normal person put on a power-level limiting collar, it would lower all of their stats maintaining the ratio of what they had originally.