The True Demon

"How much longer is this pathway?"

"It shouldn't be too long! Just a few more rooms…"

The mammon and his bodyguards sprinted through the chain of connecting rooms, making sure to maneuver around all of the wooden crates until they suddenly came across a room that had no light.

Compared to even an average man, they were going rather slow but it seemed like it was the bodyguards that were waiting for the mammon to catch up as they scouted slightly ahead. It was truly like a group of elites escorting a cranky, wealthy old man.

"Ow! What is this!" The mammon and his group did not halt upon entering the room, and it led to the mammon running into one of the massive crates and bruising his feet.

"Someone quickly find the lights! I can't move in this darkness!" He ordered, his voice ringing throughout the entire room.