
The boy still tightly grasped in the smiling woman's hands now fully understood everything… Who he was, and what was happening.

He was Moby Kane, son of Serena and Horace Kane— Although not by blood but by love and compassion.

This was but a vision of the past… And he was but a spectator within his old self… That was why he had no control over his body, that was where the unknown crying came from, and that was where this now laughing came from as well…

He wanted this moment to last forever, seeing the faces of his parents alive and smiling down at him so lovingly was a reality he so desperately wished to return to…

And as to grasp onto this happiness and never let go, he lifted his fragile infant hands in the air to reach it… 

But, as he did, the world was once again consumed… Consumed by a bright, purple light until their faces faded away into nothingness…

"No… Don't go! Don't leave me! Please! Not again!"