The Abyss

Moby took one of the deepest breaths he had ever taken in his entire life and wiped the slight hints of sweat off his forehead. He knew it would be difficult for him to convince them both, especially Yami but he had no idea it would be so intense. 

In reality, he was technically not lying to them, although some aspects had to be stretched in his favour. He certainly felt like in their current state, they stood no chance and that they would be soon hunted down and killed.

What truly surprised him was the amount of trust Hikari had in him, it was more than he could ever imagine. He had always been there for her in her times of need, but that was simply to win her favour and not out of any sense of friendship. Although, he would be lying if he said that was the only reason...

'I guess that's what happens when someone grows over dependant on someone…' He thought to himself as he peered over behind him.