
For a very brief, yet preciously peaceful span of time, a small sigh of relief exited the supreme general's mouth. His furrowed temples softened, his arched back laid back onto his throne and his heavily jittering right hand opened and relaxed from its closed fists.

'Finally… It's all over…' was the only thought present in his mind as he closed his eyes and once again sighed his stress away.

After all, his grandson had finally won, and his lawful words were once again upheld like holy scripture.

However, that brief moment of serenity was precisely as it was, brief, and the tower he had all built thus far came crumbling down on him head first. 

When he opened his eyes, the world of shadows was no more, and both fighters were once again on the ground, yet instead of Adam standing victorious, he was in a block of ice, and instead of a mangled corpse, Moby stood tall and proud as the victor.