
"D— Demon lord…" He quaked, taking another unconscious step back.

"Did I stutter? Lord of humans…"

Finally, she revealed her face. On the outside, she looked merely like any other school girl. Her smile was wide yet innocent. She was rather attractive, her features looked completely human, and the outfit she wore perfectly matched that of any ordinary girl. Yet, the feeling he received from her was anything but ordinary… 

She had no horns, no fangs, no wings, and her aura was none existent beyond a slight glint in her purple gaze. However, from his shaking eyes, those things came to existence.

Feelings that had remained dormant for his entire life had suddenly resurfaced in full…

Primal fear…



He once thought of himself as a dragon ruling over a hoard of puny drakes, but now he felt as meagre as a rodent.