Award Ceremony (2)

The table that held the award for the victor appeared in a brilliant beam of light, illuminating all in a heavenly aura of gold that made what came before it seem like a mere flashlight in comparison. 

As the light faded, it did not reveal a table akin to the rest, yet the ring still remained. Royal purple shining like amethyst, floating in mid-air with an uncanny green sparkle surrounding it.

The crowd stood mesmerized by the sheer beauty, unable to speak. They only watched with eyes glued to the stage as Moby stepped up with pride in his step to grab the reward that was rightfully his and place it upon his finger. Only then did the crowd regain themselves and rightfully applaud. 

"The awards have been handed out! Phase one is complete, and now, will come phase two to follow! Here, each contestant will be given various offers from all of our judges! A once in a lifetime opportunity! So without further ado! I will hand over control to—"