Elizabeth's Confrontation

Moby had all but finished explaining all that had happened to him, and now Jayden was just concluding as well. Moby was kept to the edge of his seat as he listened with intent about all he had missed out on.

"I couldn't watch anything while up there, the military blocked everything," He sighed.

"Not even your own TV show?" She questioned.


"Well, I'm sure you already know this, but there's a whole TV show about you! There's an actor doing all the roles for me and everyone else, even Alex!" She reminisced. "It says it's all based on a real story, which it sorta is but some of the events are kinda exaggerated, but it sure makes you look good! Everyone loves it! The budget is insanely high too! I bet some guy must have been really interested in your life and thought he would make a good show out of it!"

"Wha? There's a TV show about me?"