
"Come on Emmy how long does it take to get ready?" I say whining as she had already spent hat felt like hours in the closet.

"I just need to put a hoodie on Alex give me a minute" My Wolf growls happily at the thought of her in our clothes and i roll over in the bed shoving my face into the pillows sighing happily at our mates scent and i peak one of my eyes up to see her standing in clothes that are obviously too big for her and the hoodie which seems to swallow her and i laugh at her small form.

"Come on Emmy lets go" I say grabbing her hand and leading her out. I lead her out over to the car and I open her door laughing as she blushes at the small gesture. I watch as she struggles to figure out how to buckle herself in and so I quickly lean over from my sitting position to help my anger flaring at Zanes arrogance. I pull out of the drive away and plug my phone into the stereo system and play my playlist as we drive into the human territory towards the mall.

I pull into the mall and park the car near the entrance and open Emmy's door for her before she has a chance to get out and loving how the simplest things can make her blush. I smile as she grabs onto me for comfort as we start making our way inside. I pull her into the first clothes shop i see, forever 21 ,i take her around the whole shop picking up everything she takes an interest in and ignoring every protest she has, once we go around the whole store i walk with her to the counter and watch the cashiers eyes widen at the amount of things we are planning on buying and as she puts them in bags i see her eyes flicker over to Emmy and her eyes scan over her body and my temper rises and i start glaring at the woman as she cashes it up .

"can i get you anything ?" she asks sweetly completely directed at Emmy and my mate simply shakes her head not even looking at the woman which settles my wolf slightly but i still pull her closer wrapping my arm around her waist .

"$1,734" the cashier says. I laugh as Emmy's jaw drops. I simply swipe the metallic gold card on the machine grab the bags and drag her out of there as fast as possible away from the mindless drooling human .

I pull her into Victoria secret and smirk as she takes a look around and blushes .I walk us over to the nearest shop assistant who just so happens to be a pack member and asks her to help us get sizes and everything she could and would need . I sit at the chair near the entrance and watch as melody and grab things of the shelves and and put then in the small basket hanging of her arm.

Melody makes her way back to me and smiles but I pay no attention as we head towards the checkout where she scans them quickly and brings it up without telling us the price which i silently thank her for and i swipe my card and move on to the next place on my list the apple store.

We walk in and her eyes go wide taking in all if the products but her eyes are immediately drawn to a art tablet and and we walk over and she has a test and sketches some things out on one of them so I pick it up along with a brand new phone for her and she almost automatically starts protesting and tugging on my sleeves as we near the front of the store and I simply smile at her as we pay and leave.

We make our way towards the car and start the dreaded conversation that I have been avoiding . I clear my throat "so I wanted to talk to you about something " I begin and I flicker my eyes from the road to her as we leave "my family, beta's and third in command would like to meet you and I wanted to know whether you would agree to do it today later ?" She nods her head in response playing with her fingers

"Are you sure? I can hold them of or something if you don't really want to and I don't want you to agree just because you think you should "

She looks at me and whispers " it's okay . I am supposed to be their luna . I need to know them "

I drove shell shocked for a few minutes it was the first time she ever acknowledged the role that our bond made us.

"Thank you " I say trying to show my appreciation of her willingness and acceptance of my pack. We make our way back to the back I ignore the stares and bows of the members as we drive past them and make my way straight to the house and I pick up the bags after helping Emmy out of the car and walk up to the closet and put all her things away on her side