The pack

We stand outside of the pack dining halls and the nervous are humming through me but i choose to focus on Alex's which has mine firmly placed in her own and Beau sits quite firmly on my waist his arms wrapped carefully around my neck, My mind begins to spiral as i take in all of the voices and i think of everything that could go wrong and i feel the makings of another panic attack.

I feel hand on my cheek and as my vision blurs I see someone in front of me and I hear words but they float by my ears until finally, I pull myself out of it as I feel someone try to take Beau out of my arms and I growl in response unable to think clearly with everything in the moment and I pull myself and Beau away from the person who attempts to take him and they all suddenly take a gasp and as their figures come into view i let out my own gasp of horror and the fear of punishment suddenly wrecks through me and immediately show submission and I stare at the ground until I feel the familiar tingles as Alex comes to my side and pulls my shaking form into a hug in an attempt to soothe my anxious form. I mutter an apology to everyone as we continue to make our way inside the pack dining hall and everyone goes quite as Alex leads me by my hand towards the Luna's chair but stopping to let me put Beau down on our way there. We take a seat and many people let out a gasp as she pulls out the luna's chair and allows me to sit in it.

No one had said anything as Alex sat down and i let out a breath of relief but it simply had been too soon as I hear a commotion happen over where some of the warriors sit and I see a woman the same woman from the day before come storming over and some other warriors call out in protest against her outburst. She continues to walk over to us until she reaches our placings and slams her hands down in front of where I am currently sitting.

"What did i say?" She growls in a rhetorical manner "You aren't a Luna so leave and get the hell out of my pack" Alex growls and tries to stand so i simply place my arm on hers holding her into her seat as this woman continues

"Get out of her bed because that spot should have been mine, Hell how do we know that you even are her mate you are probably just a slut that jumped in the first bed you saw aren't you?"

"Enough" I say calmly as i stand from my chair my hands pressed firmly on the table"I am your Luna so learn to treat me with respect"


"I hadn't asked for you to continue" I start once again "This may be your pack to live in but it is ours to lead, She is my mate and this is my pack"

"That doesn't mean you aren't a slut"

"I said enough mutt i am not a slut however by the looks of your desperation to climb into MY mates bed you seemingly are"My wolf has surfaced at this point so i knew i had no power over what i was saying"so i suggest you go back over there and sit down and stop delaying the meal for the rest of the pack" I see her struggle with her wolf to go against a Luna's command she attempt to fight t but there was simply nothing she could do to go against it her wolf would not allow her too and I watch satisfied as she submits unwillingly to the force of my command and I see multiple others baring their necks submitting to their Luna. Finally the food was being served and no one made a move to touch it as they all stared at us and i looked at Alex confused and she looks at me and smirks

"The Luna eats first, it's been a long held tradition in our pack that we serve the luna before the rest"She says and i look back at my plate quickly before picking up my fork and pick up a few of the vegetables and eat them and then the pack all dive into their meals along with my own mate

"So why the Luna first?" I say watching the pack for a moment before pulling legs up onto the chair and sitting with my legs crossed

"Well it started with the founder of our pack and to put it simply there was this huge food shortage because of battles with other packs and they decided since the Luna must carry on the Line and she helps everyone that she deserved the pleasures of eating whatever food they had first and everyone carried on and eventually when we won the battle there was a feast held for the luna because it was announced she was pregnant with the heir and thankfully since everyone kept her fed during the last times of the battle the first child of the now GrayCrown bloodline was able to lead his pack"

I muttered out a wow as she studied my face

"Come on we need to talk at home"She says once it had finished and most of the pack members had left She pulled me out and into her car and we take off home in total silence. I start fretting over whether she is mad at me or not. I have seen other Luna's defend themselves so why couldn't i. I only relax when she places her free hand over my nervously tapping ones. I wait as she makes her way from her side of the car to mine as if it is some tradition and i blush muttering a thanks as we walk into the house.