
"Alex it's just a pup calm down it cant do anything to me" I say motion to the pup whimpering in my arms at my mate.

"It cant be trusted" she growls out her breathing getting heavier as she gets angrier

"They can you have to calm down" I say turning and walking back towards the pack house deciding I wasn't going to stay at home if this is how she was acting and I could tell she was following behind from a distance and she only spoke again once I had reached one of the guest rooms in the Alpha floor and let the pup down before turning and using my arms to block the rest of the door staring at her with an annoyed look on her face.

"Leave" I say plainly

"What" she says looking shocked

" it is a pup it's scared and I'm planning on helping and if you don't accept that and don't understand that throwing it in a cage is wrong then please leave me alone"

"Emmy this is ridiculous it could be dangerous" she growls at me

"If the little thing was dangerous it would have already hurt me" I say looking into her eyes then I use her pause as I turn and slam the door in her face. I slide down the door with my head in my hands and let out a sigh shaking my head a fight something we hadn't really had yet but in new I wasn't leaving this pup to her as she would do nothing but hurt it. I felt something touch my leg and I look up to see the wolf pup at my side with sad eyes

"Its okay I've got you" I whisper to it as i give it a hug. "Can you shift back?"

I ask it wondering whether I could find out about it, it simply shake sits head in response.

"Think about what you look like in your human form, your hair your eyes your nose" it looks at me with a concentration on its face. I watch as the muddy firm shrinks back into his skin and his snout turns into a mouth and before I knew it knelt a small boy looking barely 4 with muddy pale skin and strikingly bright green eyes and pitch black hair with freckles framing his cheeks as he looks at me and I hold my arms out and pick him up and I take him into the bathroom and sit him on the toilet as I start running him a bath and he looks at him with almost a dazed look and I turn to face him.

"What's your name?" I ask him in the softest tone I could come up with.

"Caspian" I smile at him his voice coming out rather strong

"Do you know where you are?" I ask and tears fill his eyes as he shakes his head."that's okay you're in the GrayCrown pack" at this his eyes widen and knowing the rumours I quickly explain "but don't worry nothing is going to happen to you I'm the Luna you see so I will keep you safe"

"Mama was a Luna" he says in broken sentences.

"Do you know where your mama is?" I ask him instantly regretting it when he points towards the sky

"She said she was going to live with Angel's because they needed her help" he says thinking carefully as he recites each word.

"Come on let's get you washed" I say picking him up and gently placing him into the water. Laughing as he starts to play with the bubbles and let's out the most adorable giggle which causes me to laugh with him as we sit playing with the bubbles together as I wash his hair watching as the water turns a dirty brown colour until I finally pick him out wrapping him in one of the warm fluffy towels to my side. As i bring him back into the room sending a mindlink to lorcan see if he can find me some clothes in Caspian's size as i lay him in the bed watching him snuggle into the blanket and fall asleep. I take this time to think over everything, Caspian seems to have no family he didn't say anything about going home but then what would i do at this point.

Don't lie to yourself you already know what you're going to do my wolf says to me and I sigh rolling my eyes knowing that what she said was true.

I walk to the door after hearing a knock and I open it to see Lorcan with a smile on his face and a huge stack of clothes in his arms

"The pack wanted to help too" I let out a happy laugh at this and take the clothes of him before thanking him and closing the door and turning my back to the door and once more sliding down the door watching over Caspian as he slept eventually dozing off on the floor.

"Luna Luna" I hear someone shouting through the door as I awake.

"Who is it" I shout back trying my best not to wake Caspian.

"Its Lorcan come quick, Indigo has gone into labour and she wants you to be there" I look around the room trying to pull my head together for a moment and then walking to Caspian and picking him up as gently as i can trying not to wake up as i start the descent down the stairs and over to the medical wing.

"Is there any chance you could watch Caspian while i go and help Indigo" I ask one of the Older pack women who gives me a warm smile and a firm nod as she looks at Caspian with a protective glance

I walk off into the hospital room to see Indigo with her face scrunched up in pain and Lorcan wincing every time she grips his hand firmer.

"Hey Indigo how do you feel?" I say softly walking over to her

"Better now you're here" she says as if sighing with relief and i freeze as i feel someone standing directly behind my back

"it's the effect of you being the luna, it helps lessen the pain" My mate whispers into my ear causing shivers to run down my spine. I shuffle closer to the bed trying to avoid her as part of me is still angry however now is not the time.

"Emmy it hurts" Indigo whines at me and i brush her hair back and squeeze her hand brushing the hair back away from her face and soothing her the best that i could.


I know its not the best but i am going through a bit of a rough patch but im trying my best to pull myself out of it

Also im working on the beginning of some other books would any of you read them

some of them are werewolf ones, others are mafia or harry potter fanfiction (drarry weasley twins x oc )

let me know if you want to see them