I slammed my hand on the alarm blaring on my ears beside me.
My hand hurt after that, but it was worth it. Why did I even set an alarm today. I wasn't even going anywhere. Or was I?
I later fell into anyother round of sleep. Never answering my question.
My eyes shot up, once again. The sound of my alarm filling my ears. Why couldn't that shit, just shut up.
I slammed it again, and again for god know how long.
After about an hour later. I finally decided to wake up, and move to the couch downstairs.
I fluttered my eyes open, and sat up.
The alarm was still ringing again, but I ignored it.
I grabbed my pillow, which had a little bit of drool on it.
Who cared? Not I.
I slipped my feet into my trusty beautiful slippers.
They were so soft. I felt like sleeping on the spot.
I fought the urge to face plant on the floor, right then and there, and strolled out the door.
I got out and slumped on the couch. I could hear my my mother's voice and Stephan from the kitchen.
I didn't care. I needed to sleep.
"Nat! Nat! NAT!!! Omg is she dead? Stephan!" I heard yelling.
My eyes shot open, once again,"Yes mom. I'm dead. So please continue in your daily activities and leave me here again!" I yelled over here yelling.
She stopped yelling, and I heard footsteps towards me.
"Nat? Nat! Natasha Raymond!" my mom called out.
I opened my eyes,"Yes!"
"Today is the first day of school!" she reminded.
"School? Oh, OK" I replied and shut my eyelids.
A moment passed, after my brain was done processing the information.
"School? OMG! Mom? Why didn't you tell me!" I yelled grabbing my pillow and running away form the sofa to the stairs.
I gagged as I ran, because I just caught a glimpse of my mum, sucking the hell out of stephan's mouth.
They weren't even married for twenty four hours yet.
I was in college right? So that meant that I could be late, whenever and however I want?
Wrong! I was in college, but they had a very strict rule of skipping classes on the first day.
I didn't bother to have a bath. Because, Fuck baths!
I picked on a baggy shirt and jeans. Threw my hair in a ponytail. Grabbed my bags. Thank god, I prepared those things yesterday, and my phone.
I had already received a lot of texts from Amber and cassy, asking where I was.
Amber: Where are you?
Amber: I'm being serious Nat?
Amber: Hello?
Amber: OMG! Were you, or were you not abducted by aliens.
I rolled my eyes at this.
Nat: I was not abducted by aliens, and why are you even typing during class? Is that even allowed?
I took my pink toothbrush, and made funny faces at myself.
I just wanted to know how I look, when I was being published by the school authorities.
She answered immediately, making phone to vibrate in my pockets.
Amber: By the way you almost made me have a heart attack. Anyways We aren't allowed to text in class. But that's what I'm doing. I feel so bad ass right now! Ahhh!
Nat: oh, wow? I never knew that you were a goody two shoes? Or that smoking pot, while running away from the cops was very legal?please note the sarcasm!
Amber: Hahaha! So funny. Not! Come to class. You owe me by the way! "
I spat out my toothpaste, checking my tee shirt if I had any dried toothpaste on it.
I ran downstairs, my ears groaning at the sound coming from my mom's room.
I searched the cupboards for something that I could use for breakfast.
I found a bunch of red apples? Nope, they were too red. Some cereal? No, too cerealy. If it made sense. A granola bar? Nope, not today.
Popcorn? Ah! Yes just right.
I grabbed it, shuffling it into my bag. I grabbed my car keys. Not bothering to bid my mother or stephan goodbye.
They were probably too busy having sex, to even hear me.
I got in my car, driving at full speed.
I turned of my engine, making the loud roar to die down.
I picked up my bag form the passenger seat. Which contained my phone and other stuff.
I was so, so late. I missed about four classes with only one left.
I looked at myself through the rear view mirror.
I looked half good.
I got out of my car, and under the hot, bright, sun.
I immediately started sweating my shit out. Man, if I looked half good before, I sure as hell looked bad.
With my baby hairs soaking up the sweat like water, and sticking to my forehead.
I locked up my car, and quickly walked or jigged towards the entrance.
The University was huge, which didn't surprise me. I mean we weren't paying five hundred thousand dollars per semester for nk reason.
Yes, my mom payee five hundred thousand grand. And yes I was kinda rich.
The halls were super empty and quiet. Save for those cliche bad wattpad boys who were fucking with some girls.
I tuned out the sound of near-by moans, and focused my direction towards Mr Simmons class.
I was scared. Not because I miss almost all my classes today.
Hell! All the teachers loved me so much. They didn't care if I missed a couple of their classes.
Wait! Did I say all the teachers loved me. Sorry! I meant to say that all my teachers except one, loved me.
And you guessed it folks! The award to the most hating teacher of all time goes to... Drum roll please.
Mr Simmons! Yup, I mean that dude hated me.
You'll think that your teachers would love you because you're smart, right? Yeah me too, I was such a naive little girl.
It all started on my first day to his class.
I was smart. Very smart , and because of that a lot of teachers talked about me, amongest themselves, even before I enrolled here.
So I'm guessing that Mr Simmons must have heard some of the gist about me.
So, I stepped into class and boom the dude looked at me. Like I look at the devil.
Eyes narrowed. Lips tight. Anger burning from within and without.
He never let me answer and question. Even though I still put my hands up every single time.
People change right? Yup, and Mt Simmons changed for the worse. After the first test that he gave us. His anger for me only grew.
It was because I got a perfect score on the test. Fun fact? Is that I wasn't even the only one who got a perfect score.
Cause some other guy in my class, also got a perfect score.
But yet he never ignores him when he puts his hands up. Always greets him, and every other student, apart from me, with a smile each morning.
I don't know why he hates mee so much. I never even talk to the guy that much.
I mean the dude could literally use my life support to charge his phone. Yes, my friends. He was that evil.
I was a few steps away from the door. I brought my right hand to check the time.
I was almost ten minutes late. But it's just ten minutes Nat. It not even that big of a deal?
Well my friends, that is where you are wrong.
I am personally hated by Mr simmon that even if I was even a second late to his class. He was gonna mark me absent. One second guys. And I ten minutes late. Twelve, for explaining all of this to you guys.
I couldn't walk into that classroom without ruining my perfect, very spotless record.
I was starting to imagine. Him scanning the whole room, and then seeing my empty seat. He was sure to quickly scribble absent and write some other untrue nasty things. He was sure to be smirking to himself, finally able to get some dirt on me.
My mind was racing with thoughts. I had my phone. I also had cassy's and Amber's number stored into it.
So the next reasonable thing that my mind thought was to dial cassy's and Amber's number.
The sweat that dried itself on my forehead, had started to come back in full force. They weren't answering the calls even though I had dialed Amber's and cassy's number repeatedly for the past ten minutes.
My plan was simple enough. I had watched enough spy movies in the past to know what I was doing.
I'll have Cassy, and Amber distract the teacher, and then I slip into the classroom, and into my seat. Just in time for him to call my name and Mark it on the register. Unnoticed. Done, simple and easy
I was super late to my class, but was also very unlucky. Since Mr simmon hated my guts.
I couldn't miss this class, and I couldn't come through the front door, because I would still get punished anyways, it was going on my permanent record anyways. It was a loose-loose,for me.
I could already imagine Mr simmon smiling at my absent figure and doodling on it with evil like excitement.
I had started to wonder, what I did wrong in this life. I was respectful to my parents.
I had smoked some pot and other things.... But that was not the point. I didn't deserve this.
I mean what did I do wrong, to be stuck with the one teacher that openly hated me, in this school. I knew he was just really pissed that I had a bigger iq than him.
It's not my fault. Blame my parents... Or rather thank them.
I had exactly nothing to do. This was it. The end. Bye-bye.
I dropped my bag on the foot of the door. I began pacing across the halls, my palms begind me.
I was probably exaggerating this situation. My mother may not give two shots about me, or my well being.
But she sure as hell, gave all the shits about my results.
I had to give her a spotless, clean record and Very good grades, for her not to disown me, and send me packing.
She she did that I'll literally have no where else to go--
"Excuse me!" I jumped in fright at the voice.
I turned my head to see a bald man walking towards a student. A map in his hand.
Was he talking to me?
OMG, he know that I wanted to skip class. What was I thinking--
"Good morning, miss.... !" the man tailed off.
"Raymond" I added.
He nodded, "Sorry to disturb you, but could you please lead me to Mr Simmons class?" he asked.
I bent my head taking in his physique. He was short and lanky. Making me tower above him greatly.
I nodded my head, "No. I'm, I hope you don't mind me asking, but do I know you?And why are you looking for Mr simmon. He's having a class." I said pointing to the door in front of me.
He let out a chuckle. Smiling like he knew something that I did not know.
"Mr simmon, He called in sick today. So I'm the substitute history teacher!" he replied.
I nodded waiting for my brain to take the information given to me, and then process it"Wait! You mean to tell me that nobody had been teaching in that class?" I asked pointing to the classroom behind me.
"Yes of course. I'm new here, and the school is pretty big--" he tried explaining.
I cut him off, "No, no, it fine!" I smiled at him.
He nodded his head and stepped in front of me, walking into the classroom.
I picked up my bag, hating myself for being so stupid.
So much for being smart.
So I have been standing outside the classroom, for almost thirty minutes. Thinking that Mr simmon was waiting behind the doors...?
I walked into the class room, trailing behind him.