Xu jin decided to make Lei his disciple. He proceeded towards a rank S dimension with Lei's party. Lei and his party, after reaching the dimension, they stared at the gate in awe and thought about the demons they might encounter there.

"Is there any problem?" Xu Jin asked.

"No, no! Everything is fin-"

"Of course there are many problems!"

Bao interrupted Jiang.

"Hmm? What is it?" Xu Jin asked cluelessly.

"How are we supposed to fight in an S rank dimension!?" Bao shouted angrily.

"We'll fight with our weapons of course!" Jin replied.

"What the heck are you saying!?"

"Master, I think she means that how can we middle level slayers fight in an S rank dimension." Lei explained.

"Fret not. I am also the one going there. If you guys will fall back then I will be sure to help you. Afterall I have taken special permission for you guys. Also, there is no need to worry cause' I am one of the top 5 slayers around the world and no.1 in the top 3 of China." Jin replied.

Lei's and his friend's faces seemed to calm down a bit.

Everything was ready and perfect. With a little bit of hesitation, Lei, his party and his master moved into the S rank dimension. Upon entering they found themselves in a burning forest. They rushed to get out of the forest under Jin's order. When they were out, Lei's armour started shining.

"Uwah! What is happening!" Lei shouted.

"Don't worry, it might be the reaction some sort of some kind of chemical caused due to that forest fire." Jiang assured.

"Sshh! I hear some footsteps approaching here." Jin said.

"Then we shall be prepared!" Chen said excitedly.

"Please do- don't hurt me!"

They heard a lady's voice.

Lei and his team said in unison,

"I think we should go and check what was that voice. I think someone is in trouble. Yeah, I agree."

"No, not now." Jin replied.

Lei wanted to help her or know the matter but was denied by Jin.

After a while, Lei and others heard a huge scream of a woman. Jin turned back in a thought to stop him but Lei rushed suddenly towards the scream thinking,

"I wanted to become a slayer to earn money, but now I think that slayers are hero who save normal people from demons, and if there are demons I will slay them. My parents were also killed by demons as I'm told because I don't have my memories of before I was 5 years old. I don't want to let that happen to anyone else in this life ever again."

When he crossed the bushes, his party also followed him along with Jin. Lei raised his head to find the origin of scream. There was a very beautiful woman in front of him who looked like an angel or more specifically, a goddess. She was around 5 feet and 8 inches and had blonde hair, golden shining eyes and a perfectly developed body. She was running from a horde demon ogre who were red in color and had a horn on their head. They were holding a mace like weapon with pointed spikes. The woman's leg was hurt. She looked at Lei and his azure shining armour with the eyes that were looking at her savior. There were also a few corpses of ogres near a tree that looked godly and was situated behind the woman.

After looking at the situation, Lei rushed towards the ogre who was slowly reaching the lady who fell on the ground. Lei used fire magic and blowed the first ogre. As the other ogres looked at his shining azure armor, they ran away. Lei and his party, including his master were a little confused. He gave the lady a helping hand to get up and asked for her name. She replied,

"My name is Sylvia-Milo-Azoloth(22). I am the divine goddess of this planet and keep a watch on all of my subordinates but due to some problems the demons entered this holy land and they wanted to pass to mother Earth. We used all of our power to defend the dimension gate but they opened it. Just when they were about to reach the gate, some mysterious force kept them out."

"What are you saying? A goddess? Holy land? How can we believe you?" Jin asked.

"I am also confused a little, why did the ogres ran away after seeing Lei?" Jiang asked.

"That's right! We want answers!" Bao agreed.

"I think that the demon and holy land part is right because the slayer org might be the 'mysterious force' that kept the demons out. As for the goddess part, you should show us some powers of yours." Lei said, and everyone seemed to agree to it.

"Very well then, I shall show you guys my power." After saying this, Sylvia reached out her hand towards Lei's forehead and it seemed that she poured some divine energy in Lei's mind.

Lei saw a flashes of picture or memories in his mind. After sometime he said,

" Fine, I believe that you are a goddess and This is a land of Gods and goddesses. But, why do I have to be everyone's savior?"

Everybody looked intensely on Lei's face.

"What is going on Lei, can you care to explain this to your master? Jin said.

"Yes, my master!" According to her, this world is one of the many holy places which are the land of gods and goddesses. These all are part of heavens. According to the divine prophecy, the demon world's gate would be broken and the demons will try to destroy all of humanity in order to obtain the divine energy from Earth with zero population. In their conquest, they would also defeat the gods and head towards destruction. They are doing this because of revenge. Before this there were peaceful demons in the demonic lands that are also scattered like the holy lands, but once a Dragon god, who was awaken due to demonic qi's presence, which was exerted since a demonic world was building near the holy land of the dragon lord, attacked the peaceful demon's lord and started a war. There are peaceful and intelligent demons even now but they are just getting killed by the gods or maniac demons who only want war. Also, in the prophecy, it was told that near the sacred tree, on the land of the goddess of memory, the savior of all humanity and divinity, will appear in shining azure armor, which is supposed to be me."

" So, how can you believe that?"Jin asked.

" Because I saw everything in my mind and it cannot be illusion because I also saw the attacks of 19 years ago, in which my parents died." Lei replied.

" Well, I don't care! I'll just help my friend in whatever work he wanna do!" Jiang said to Lei.

"Okay then, I shall also train my student so that he can save the humanity and divinity both!" Jin said.

"Well, looks like there is no choice, since Mr. Jin will be teaching Lei, I shall also join him."

After the discussion, Sylvia took Lei and his party to her kingdom.