4 years after the Earth element was conquered.

Jonas was 39 years old and his son, Razel, was 20 years old. In these 4 years, Razel mastered all the 12 form of dark arts. Jonas also became more stronger than ever because he conquered the Earth element. He waited all these years and didn't conquered any other element because he wasn't strong enough to conquer others yet. He wasn't able to manifest the huge energy of Earth yet. After 4 years he manifested it. It also sped up his ability to manifest other energy. He called his son and said,

"Razel, do you know why do we live?"

"Yes father. We live to fulfill our destined purpose or desire."

"Then, do you know, what is the purpose of Zell-Schneider bloodline?"

"You have told me that it is to obtain true godhood."

"That is true, but not completely true!"

"Then, what is the true purpose of the Zell-Schneider bloodline?"

"It is to obtain eternal life! It is only possible if you overcome the strongest element. There is no God who has overcame it, except one."

"And who is that God?"

"It is the God of destruction. His origin, name and powers are unknown. We cannot defeat him even in seven generations. But, we can get one-hundredth of his powers if we overcome all the other gods."

"I understand everything but, what is the fifth element?"

"I have told you about most of the thing. Go and ask your wife about it. You should spare your time for your loved ones also."

"yes father. I am going now."

Razel turned and headed towards his wife in the stone castle.

"And listen."

Razel turned back towards his father.

"Yes father."

"After talking with her, get ready we are leaving."

"I dare ask, where are we going?"

"We are going to conquer the Water element!"

"Yes father!"

Razel headed towards his wife to ask her some questions. Despite his fierce personality and buffed and muscular body like his father, his was calm and very passionate towards his wife, Earthesteil V.

He entered her room and said,

"Can ask you some questions, my beloved Earthesteil?"

"She looked backed with smile and said,

"What is it, my dear?"

"Can you tell me the names of all the five major elements?"

"Of course I can tell. The first element is Earth, the second element is Space, the third element is air, the fourth element is fire and the fifth element is water."

Razel thought to himself,

"So, the strongest element is Space! I always thought it would be time but it was space. But wait a second! Space also means time! Space is time and that's why we can't beat it!"

He said to Earthesteil,

"Well that's that. I am going now, won't you give me a goodbye kiss?"

"Yes my dear!"

Earthesteil said and stood up to kiss him. He held her passionately and kissed her soft lips. After that he left with his father to the land of water through the dimensional portal. The strongest power between this duo of crazy father and son was their trust and faith in each other.

The land of water was completely made of water. There wasn't any trace of other elements. Jonas used the Earth energy to build a path of rock for himself and Razel. They walked on it. After walking for some time, they saw a huge castle made of water. It was shining as the sun rays fell on it. Razel got excited to see it. He rushed forward to fight the water gods. When he ran towards the gate of the castle, he was blocked by some guards who looked like mermen. They were holding a weapon which looked like a spear. There were numerous guards who held off Razel. Jonas saw this and dove underwater. He said to Razel,

"Razel! Buy me some time and I will slay that Water god!"

"Yes father! Well now, it looks like the time to fight has come!" Razel said this and used his dark arts and started running in circle. His speed increased by each round. The guards were unable to see his true self since he made many dark afterimages. It was the 9th form of dark arts. The guards attacked blindly with their spears. Their spear released high pressure water which had enough power to break a rod. But, Razel dodged it with his incredible speed. It was the 8th form of dark arts. The guards found themselves cornered.


Jonas reached the gate of the underwater. The gate was also made of water but one person was guarding it. The person who was guarding it had the upper body of a shark and the lower body of a human. He said,

"How did you dared to enter this realm, you intruder! I, the Shark God, Sharkey will kill you!"

Jonas said,

"How the hell did a trash like you dared to talk to me?!"

After saying this, he made a huge hammer of stone and crushed Sharkey with it. After defeating Sharkey, he reached towards the door but it was tight as a metal door. He tried to break it with hammer but his hammer was the one that got broken when he hit the door with it. He again created a hammer but this time, he made his dark energy flow into it. He broke the door with it. He entered inside the castle and went to the king's room. There he met the water goddess. She had shining blue hair and her blue eyes. She was around 5 feet and 7 inches. Her whole body looked like it was made of water. She said,

"I have been waiting for you, Mr. Jason! So you are the one who has conquered the Earth? Just remember, I will not back off like Earth did and I will fight with you myself!"

"There is no need to fight me, miss...?" Jason asked.

"My name is Aqua and I will be your end!"

"I already said miss Aqua that there is no need for us to fight because I already won!"

"What do you mean?"

Jonas pointed his finger towards her abdominal region.

She looked down and saw that a branch of tree was holding onto her core alma. She got surprised and instead of breaking the branch, she backed off herself which left the core alma in the hands of the branch. She started suffering and fell on the ground. Jonas approached the branch slowly. He took the core alma and broke it into two parts. One part was bigger and one part was smaller. He kept the bigger part and approached Aqua with the smaller part in his hand. He kept the stronger part in her stomach and she came back to her senses. She looked at him as a person looks towards his saviour. She said,

"I think we really don't have any need to fight now. You won and you can go now but remember, please do not abuse my power."

Jonas looked back with a smile and said,

"I cannot promise you that. I will use it according to my situation."

After this small encounter with Aqua, Jonas left the castle and reached his son. He saw the dead body of the guards and his son who stood in between them. The water got red with blood and Razel turned back with an evil smile on his face. He asked,

"How did the fight went, my father?"

"It went great. I have conquered the water now! I can also say the same about you. Looks like you really enjoyed killing these weaklings. I am proud of you, my son!"

"Well, you can say that I enjoyed killing them but fighting the week, bored me."

"You totally have my personality! Let's head back home! I also have to manifest this water core alma!"

"Yes father."