Deces' punch knocked out Alcesto far away on the ground.

In this despair filled moment, everybody had the same thought,

"Is... This really... The end for us?..."

At that time, there was one person who didn't gave a damn about the end, he was Alcesto. He got up and said,

"Is that all you've got?"

Deces looked into Alcesto's golden eyes which were shining with determination. Determination to defeat all the hellish gods. She remembered something. It was her dark past.

Three thousand years ago, on a fierce battlefield, there was a weak hellish goddess, fighting to protect her peace and her land. The air of the battlefield was polluted with blood particles from the dead. Between the countless dead bodies, there stood Deces, burying her sword inside a higher demon.

The reason of war was simple, territory dispute. She was the one and only daughter of an old hellish God who was on his deathbed, Mors Tartarmus. She was destined to be the ruling queen of her land. As the time differs in each type of land, in the hellish land of Tartamus, one year was equal to a thousand years. As the time differed, so did the body age and mind age.

Even though the land was hellish, it only meant that it was filled with the soul of people who did evil in their mortal lives. They weren't tortured, but they had to live in the tough environment of the hellish lands. Once the soul of a person decends towards any type of land, it loses the memories of its life on Earth. Only basic knowledge and information remains and its time on living in the land is decided by its karma. If the karma is worse, then it stays longer on the hellish land and if the karma is good, its stays shorter on the hellish land.

The demon who waged the war with the hellish land of Tartamus was, NAVERTOZWEIN. He was a demigod, who was half hellish and half demonic. He was the son of the great demon lord, Afrozwein. He wanted to occupy the land because his previous land was destroyed since it was way too old, passing its lifetime. Once a land loses its ruler, the land doesn't stays much longer. It gets destroyed after a set period of time. Navertozwein wanted revenge from the descendents of the one who killed his father. In order to do this, he had to get stronger because he had seen his miserable future with his demonic eye ability. He occupied hellish lands by force. He occupied many hellish lands but killed its ruler. The land of Tartarmus was the only land with a female ruler. He decide not to kill her. He got an idea to make the surviving gods and goddesses sign a peace treaty. But, instead of a peace treaty, it was a slave contract. They had to sacrifice everything to him, or die pitifully by his hands. There were some hellish gods who decide to sign the slave contract and sacrifice themselves. These hellish gods thought that 'strong rules over weak' and worshipped Navertozwein. Deces was not like that.

Deces fought in a war and her land's entire population was wiped out. Her mother was already dead, but she had a the public living there which worshipped her. Even though she lost everything, she didn't won. She was captured alive by Navertozwein. He treated her like his war slave. He sent her on many wars with other hellish gods. He created an army of greater demons, governed by 10 hellish gods. He treated Deces differently since she had her own army of dead.

She always thought of slaying Navertozwein but, she neither had the ability nor the allies who would help her slaying the namely king of hellish gods. She lost all her determination thinking that she would never be able to betray against the hellish God, Navertozwein.


She shivered with mixed feelings as she saw the fast punch filled with power strong enough to destroy the land a few hundred metres, coming for her. It was Alcesto's fist. He flowed most of his Azure energy into his right fist. He reached Deces without any difficulties. Due to the impact of the force of his punch, Deces flew a few metres back. Her head was spinning as her nose started dripping blood.

As Deces weakened, the damage which her ability, death breath, caused to Schwartz healed completely. Schwartz thought if his hand healed after her weakening, Vanzel would have healed too. He stood up and looked at Vanzel's body. He remembered that the injury which she caused to Vanzel was not due to death breath, it was a physical surprise attack. Schwartz tightened his fist as he thought that he lost a friend who saved their lives.

He did not noticed that Vanzel's wounds were healing. Some kind of dark energy was carrying the blood and organ matter which Vanzel lost, into Vanzel's body. He was almost healed with unknown help. He stood up and took a deap breath. The expression on Schwartz and Zhao face was like they had just seen the heaven. Their pupils were wide opened. He stepped forward and speaked 'Alcesto' in his deep voice.

Alcesto, who was about to kill off his enemy, Deces, stopped suddenly. He was pulled by Vanzel's voice. He thought that it was just his hallucination, but when he turned to look back, he saw his friend who saved his life, standing, living, in a well condition. He rushed towards him and hugged him tightly. Vanzel said,

"Ugh what are you doing?! Stop! I just recovered!"

After calming Alcesto, he proceeded towards Deces. He poured some dark energy in her to heal her. As she started to recover, everyone except Vanzel shouted at him,


Vanzel replied,

"I am your leader. Trust me."

He called Alcesto and ordered him to check Deces' darkness of soul. Alcesto checked it and found out that she was not an actual bad person. Her soul orb was just like Vanzel. She did evil karma but she didn't did it willingly. While she was recovering, she thought to herself,

"Such great teamwork. Such trust. Such belief. Only if I had encountered it earlier."

Vanzel wanted to interrogate her, but before they could start interrogating her, she started telling them her past. She told them every necessary detail which she knew. After a while, she begged them,

"Please let me be in your team! I assure you that I won't betray you all!"

Any sane person would not listen to her, but Alcesto was not a sane person. He took her in his party.

After stopping the destruction on Earth, Vanzel's party left the dimension and returned to their homeland. Vanzel provided Deces with a new ID. He didn't had any difficulty in the paperwork because of his wealth. Alcesto, Vanzel, Schwartz, Deces and Zhao were relaxing, without knowing that another hellish God was about to appear.