Vergif blocked the punch of Alcesto which was filled with overwhelming Azure prowess, with his bare hands. However, Alcesto didn't stopped at this. He brought his hands back and charged at him once again. This time, his speed, precision, and force was even better than his previous attack. While bringing his hand forward at an intense speed, he shouted,


That was one of the many personal attacks of Alcesto. It was an original attack form generated by the Azure Emperor's prowess. His one punch had enough force to blow away a higher demon in a single strike. His consciousness shaker had the power to mess up with the consciousness of his enemy, giving him an advantage of a few seconds. The force in his punch was enormous, so enormous that his Megalithium gloves tore apart into pieces and his side punch, aiming for Vergif's head, overflowing with Azure Gi, clashed with Vergif's forceps as he tried to block his head with his hands.

Vergif stepped back and slowly, his lips raised upwards. He slimed and then started speaking. He said,

"Looks like this 'conciousnes shaker' was your special move. Hmph!"

He laughed lightly as he put his hands, which blocked Alcesto's special attack, forward. Some kind of green liquid was coming out from his skin. Alcesto looked down and raised his head lower. He raised his fist and looked at the upper side of his fingers. They were burnt by the chemical like substance which was released by Vergif's hands. It was the same chemical acid which occupied most of the land of Vergif's territory. Alcesto removed the effect of burn by releasing a little bit of his Azure Gi on his injury.

Vergif was overjoyed by this scene. He didn't let out his excitement at once. He raised his head upwards and laughed slowly. After laughing, he raised his head slowly and looked deeply into Alcesto's eyes. He said,

"Did you really thought that I, the great god of poison, will fall for your low tricks?"

After hearing Vergif's strong words, Alcesto smiled lightly. He raised his head up and said,

"Did you really thought that I am dumb enough to use such a low trick on a God of poison like you? Pfft! Don't'cha know that I can control my Azure power according to my will!"

At the moment when he side punched Vergif, he transferred a little bit of his Azure Gi inside his head. That little amount of Gi started affecting him ever since it was transferred. He just didn't realized it.

Vergif's legs started shaking. He pierced his left ear with his index finger while maintaining his balance. A lot of blood was gushing out from his left ear and left eye as he tried to search and melt the Azure Gi away. While he was busy doing this, Alcesto started stepping towards him really slowly. As he walked step by step, he said,

"Oi, Vergif... Don't you dare forget bout me!"

In a single step, he sprinted towards Vergif and started landing fast paced and strong blows, flowing with Azure Gi, at him. He didn't had any intention of stopping after one blow. He attacked him continuously until he fell on the ground, unconsciously.

Alcesto thought him to be dead as he stopped breathing when Alcesto checked his breath. He walked towards Vanzel and got surprised to find out that most of his mortal wounds were already healed by his mysterious power.

Jae-Hyuk was amazed by the sight he was witnessing. He never thought that he would be fighting a battle for the fate of his planet and his homeland. He was tired and didn't had any strength to move. He decided to keep lying in his position while Alcesto was healing Vanzel with his Azure Gi.

After a short moment, Jae-Hyuk had a shocked expression, when he suddenly saw that his enemy, Vergif was not completely dead! He was moving. He tried to comfort himself by thinking,

"This... Is... Impossible! Something's wrong with my mind!"

But, once Vergif got up, he lost all the excuses. He thought to himself,

"Till now... I've just been a burden on my team... The work which I've done was only as a substitute... They were strong enough to handle all of that... But... I will prove them! I will prove them that they need me! I know that they need me but... I am not being reasonable... So what! I don't need a reason to kick an ugly god's ass!"

Vergif had already stood up, but, he was unaware of Jae-Hyuk's presence. Without turning back, Vergif tried to use his ultimate move on Alcesto. He raised his right hand upwards, and gathered all of the poisonous energy which was flowing inside his body. This move was called "POSION BLAST". It was same as an energy blast, but, instead of energy, in this blast, poison was involved. It was liquid poison.

Vergif held onto the most deadly poison which Jae-Hyuk had ever seen. His hand was holding the bright ball of poison which was greenish yellow in colour and darkish fog was surrounding it. He brought his hand forward and aimed his poison blast at Alcesto, who was healing his friend carelessly and was unaware that his opponent was alive.

Without wasting a single second, Jae-Hyuk decided to stop him. He knew that it was too late to warn Alcesto now. He already had a good amount of Earth's energy in his body. He touched the ground and controlled the Earth element with his elemental magic. The land's shape started reforming. Huge spikes extracted themselves from the plain and flat ground. The huge first spike pierced Vergif's chest. Vergif was stunned. He slowly turned back and saw numerous spikes aiming at him. Instead of using his ultimate attack on Alcesto, he decided to destroy those spikes. Slowly, he destroyed most of the spikes which Jae-Hyuk had formed. But, Jae-Hyuk didn't gave up. He used his last bit of elemental energy and formed a huge sphere which was opened by one side. The sphere started getting closer towards Vergif. Vergif was afraid that this sphere might burst near his vicinity. He decided not to destroy the sphere and tried to run away in opposite direction. However, his effort was wasted since he was already heavily injured by the spikes. The sphere reached near him and exploded.

The explosion was heard by Alcesto. He turned back to take a look at the current situation. He found that Vergif was a complete mess. His organs were lying outside and his body was shattered into multiple pieces across the land. He also found Jae-Hyuk lying unconscious as a result of using too much elemental energy. He reached for him and carried him near Vanzel, on his back. He laid him on the ground and sat on a huge rock which was a remain of the castle which they had destroyed.

After a while, his other party members arrived and rescued Vanzel and Jae-Hyuk along with him. Schwartz used his healing magic and completely healed Vanzel. Kyung-Soon provided Jae-Hyuk with some divine energy by performing a short ritual in private, which required the connection of two bodies, namely, Kim-Jae-Hyuk and Yoon-Kyung-Soon.

After everyone got in a good shape, their party decided to stay on Deces's land. After resting there for some days, Deces decided to tell her team about the next hellish god. She held a meeting. She was sitting beside Vanzel. She started speaking,

"The next hellish god is the God of chaos, and her name is IRA JEZA or KHAOS."