While Zhao and Schwartz were sucked up in the tower, another pair, which consisted of Alcesto and Kyung-Mi, was investigating that tower. While inspecting, they encountered a few higher demons, which were taken care of by them. They almost reached the top of the tower and didn't noticed anything else than a few higher demons and most importantly, the suspicious magical fog.


Schwartz and Zhao landed, no, it was more like that they were dragged into the tower. The fog hand which was holding onto Zhao started getting tighter. Zhao felt heavy pain from her hairs as the hand was trying to pullout her hair from the roots. Schwartz did not wasted any second. As soon as he got up and recovered from the fall, which he suffered while getting pulled into the tower, he used his vitality magic and created tens of energy swords with his divine Gi. The swords went right above Zhao's head but they didn't damaged her a single bit. The hand which was holding onto her, got pierced by the arrows and disappeared into the thin air.

Schwartz rushed towards Zhao and gave her a helping hand. As he brought his hand forward to Zhao as for her to use it as a support, she started light blushing. Blushingly, she held onto her hand and got up. He asked her softly,

"I hope that you aren't injured."

Zhao replied,

"Y-yes. I-I am okay now."

"That's good, no, that's great."

Schwartz said.

When they thought that their most important problem, which was supposed to be the magical fog had gone now, they put their guard down and became a little careless. Schwartz was looking back for the signs of the fog. Zhao was also searching for the signs of fog at the back but then, she decided to look for the origin of the fog. As she turned, suddenly, out of nowhere, a higher demon appeared in front of Zhao. Before she could do anything, the demon rushed towards her with a spear pointed at her head. Schwartz leapt towards the demon and decided to block the demon's attack by using his divine Gi. Before the demon could attack Schwartz, a sinister voice which sounded like of a lady, pierced their ears.


As soon as the demon heated her voice, his body started shaking. He started sweating and his face had a terrified expression. Instead of attacking Schwartz, the demon decided to withdraw. It was all because of the command which the lady issued, who was standing on a floor above Schwartz and Zhao.

She was 5.10 feet tall. She looked like her age was around her late twenties. She had purple hairs and purple eyes. She was wearing a purple coloured revealing dress which was giving a shining when the moonlight of the Jeza land reflected on it.

As she slowly descended down the stairs, she started speaking with that soft and sinister voice tone of hers. She said,

"Looks like I have some visitors on my land. I am Ira Jeza, in other words, Eris. So, what do you humans want from me?"

Schwartz observed her carefully. She was carrying some kind of golden fruit in her cleavage. As he looked up and gazed into her eyes, he started speaking. He said,

"So... Are you saying that you won't harm us if we told you our purpose of visit?"

She heard his voice and smiled lightly as she said,

"Well... Lord Navert will definitely be pleased if I killed you all right here."

As Zhao listened to her threat statement, she spoke softly,

"I-I thought that you hated men. Why are you siding with Navertozwein? And also... Why are you trying to harm a female, like me, if you only hate men and try to avoid unnecessary disputes with women?!"

As Eris listened to Zhao's questions, she laughed lightly with pleasure and said,

"Pfuahahaha! I also have a question for you both. If you answer this, then I shall answer yours. Why are you trying to fight us first? Why don't you directly go and fight face to face against Lord Navert?"

Zhao didn't had a proper reasoning, so, Schwartz took the lead and answered her,

"That's because Navertozwein can't leave his own land yet,because he isn't much powerful. But, if we were to face him, then he might summon all his underling gods and goddesses at one place, which would make him impossible to defeat. We don't want that and that is the reason why we are fighting gods and goddesses like you."

As she heard him, she stopped smiling and replied with a serious tone,

"That means you all are just a coward. But, Lord Navert is not like this. He is not killing you all right now because he is a king and king cannot enter the battlefield without exhausting his subjects. And the answer to the next question is, the generation has changed. In this generation, both you men, who try to rob a maiden's heart, and you women, who allow them to freely rob your hearts are equally responsible! I guess I will be disciplining you all by...By...By killing you!

When Schwartz got aware that she is getting worked up, he decided to attack her immediately without wasting any second. He collected a little bit of divine Gi in his legs and jumped in her direction. The force of the jump created cracks on the ground. He was fast while reaching for her, he created a small spiritual dagger in his right hand with his divine Gi. He swung his hand aiming for her eyes. His dagger was just about to reach her eyes, but, in the last moment, some kind of black wings started growing out from her shoulders and she flew a little bit upwards to dodge Schwartz's attack.

Schwartz was not surprised by her dark wings. He had already prepared for such a Moment. He already knew that there are some gods and goddesses who have can grow wings from their body and he a day would come when he would be fighting them. He was a strategist. He used his strategy against Eris. He called Zhao and whispered something in her right ear. After listening his command, she turned towards him and said,

"Understood. I will be going then."

Zhao brought her hands backward and stretched her palm. Then, she recited,

"I, Zhao Bao, ask thou, the great god of fire, Agnileos! To grant me your powers!

Ama, Zhao Bao, Sahn tze, Agnileos Dami, Takara wa zarete toshi nomate zokaro!"

Magic circles formed at her palms and the magic circles started extracting out the fire energy which was created by magic. The fire energy in the form of waves, helped Zhao to fly in the sky. When she was about to reach Eris, Eris started speaking in an angry tone,

"The heavenly lands have artificial light, which is supposed to be the godly energy, on their land acting as a primary source of light. That can be controlled by the king of that land. The same applies here, on dark lands, there is darkish moonlight which can be controlled by the king of the land. Which means... The kings of the land can control everything on their personal lands!"

When she stopped speaking, Zhao had already reached her, but, the fog which disappeared for a while from that tower, started appearing again. The only difference was that, this time, the fog was coming out from a hole in the golden fruit which was carried by Eris.