After Nyx was temporarily killed by Schwartz, her body disappeared into thin air. Along with her body, Schwartz's divine sword also disappeared, or more like, it was absorbed by Schwartz into his body. After he defeated his opponent, he heard a voice in his head, which was most likely due to telepathy. The voice was of a female and she said,

"Schwartz-Jung-Milo-Azaloth and Zhao Bao, you both have won the battle of death or life against Nyx, the Khaos goddess of night. Now, you both will be teleported to the relaxation room. Any type of injury which was sustained in this battle will be automatically healed upon your teleportation."

He heard that female's words carefully. He did not question her or felt strange upon her existence, he was just glad when he heard '...all injuries sustained in the battle will be healed.'. His body was unable to move. However, he was happy. He realized himself,

"... This is the first time... After so many days... That divine sword... Zhao's okay... I-I am happy.."

After that, he was teleported to the room where Vanzel and Deces were already waiting for them. A few moments later, Zhao was also teleported to their room. She was healed completely and did not felt any need to sleep. However, Schwartz was passed out from exhaustion, even after healing, his body was unable to move and he needed some rest. Zhao's blood and intestines were all reverted back in her body as if someone had reversed time on her injured body. While she was waiting for Schwartz to wake up, she thought to herself,

"When I was injured, I would had passed out from the pain, however, I remained conscious, thinking of Schwartz and my other friends safety. If I would have passed out... I don't know what would had happened to me... I might had already died... However! I stayed conscious and also heard everything that Schwartz said. Kyaaa! I can't believe that such a serious person like him actually said my beloved Zhao!"

While Zhao was red as a tomato because of thinking about Schwartz's affection towards her, she was called out by Deces. Vanzel was standing near a table, on which an ancient rune was kept. The words on that rune were of a different kind of language which was only understood by Deces. They were also rearranging into another sets of words. Vanzel used telepathy and ordered everyone in the training rooms,

"Alcesto! Jae-Hyuk! Yoon sisters! The rune's message is going to be read by Deces. Please listen carefully!"

After Vanzel informed them, Deces started reading the ancient rune's message.

"The first battle has been concluded. Nyx has lost the match and the winning team consists of Schwartz-Jung-Milo-Azaloth and Zhao Bao. Schwartz-Jung-Milo-Azaloth has acquired the title of the 'new heavenly swordsman', whereas Zhao Bao has acquired the title of 'heavenly swordsman' lifeline'. The second battle is about to begin. The second battle consists of Kim-Jae-Hyuk and Yoon-Kyung-Soon, from Vanzel Steilinz's side. These two participants will be battling our guest from the Aztec world, TEOCIPACTLI, or the holy Lissamphibia. The participants are already teleported to the battle arena. The battle arena is the same as where the previous match was conducted. Blessings of fate will await the victor."

When Deces finished explaining, Vanzel took a breath and said,

"Alcesto! Is that right? Are Jae-Hyuk and Kyung-Soon not present with you?!"

Alcesto replied,

"Holy s#it! That's right! They got teleported just now!"

Vanzel sighed and said,

"Well then... We can only pray for their safety..."

After his little conversation with Alcesto, Vanzel used telepathy to tell Jae-Hyuk and Kyung-Soon about their opponent. They grasped a little of the information about their opponents and got ready to fight a battle to death.

The stage was empty, but, out of nowhere, a huge flash of light blinded Jae-Hyuk and Kyung-Soon for a while. They covered their eyes with their palms. Soon, the light disappeared and they removed their palms.

In front of them stood a creature who was 6.5 feet tall. His upper body was like a crocodile, he had only one leg, which resembled of a frog. His another leg was a prosthetic. The prosthetic leg was made from the highest quality Megalithium. He also had a crocodile's tail and that tail was also covered with spikes acting as a weapon for him. His body was buffed and muscular. On his hands were fins of fishes which allowed him to swim faster than normal. He said to them,

"Looks like I was transported here..."

Jae-Hyuk was a little feared when he saw such a creature before his eyes. However, he turned and looked at his wife, Kyung-Soon, who stood bravely before that creature. He took a deep breath and asked the creature who stood before him,

"Are you the one who is know as Teocipactli, the holy Lissamphibia?"

The creature said,

"Yes. I am the great Teocipactli. Are you both humans known as Kim-Jae-Hyuk and Yoon-Kyung-Soon?"

Jae-Hyuk replied,

"Yes. That's right."

Kyung-Soon stepped forward and said,

"We will be your opponents in this battle. And... I won't forget you if you hurt Jae-Hyuk."

Teocipactli heard her words and said with a smile,

"I like your attitude. I hope you both will give a good fight to me... It's already been millenias since I fought alongside Varaha..."

Jae-Hyuk replied him boldly,

"Don't worry. We will entertain you nicely!"

After their little talk, Jae-Hyuk used his divine Gi and created magic circles, which helped him in manipulating the ground on which they were about to battle. Kyung-Soon got ready in her fighting stance and made her divine Gi circulate in her entire body.

The second battle of the Khaos tournament was about to start. Far away from the battle land, stood the three Moirai. They were watching the tournament from their spiritual eyes.

Across the sky, further away from the Moirai, far away from these lands, an old man stood on top of a hill. He was standing on one of the planets of the Khaos solar system. The planet was completely rocky and inhabitated. The lands looked like a normal mountain range from Earth. That old man looked like he was in his early seventies. He had white and straight hairs along with white and small beard. Unlike other old men, he had buffed body. He wore an armour which did not looked like Megalithium, nor any other material. His armour was shining brightly as if it was emitting sunlight. It was a complete body armour. He was also holding a helmet, which looked like a part of the armour, in his right hand. His eyes were closed as if he was concentrating on something. Suddenly, he opened his eyes. His eyes were of dark green colour. He spoke to himself as he got up to go somewhere,

"Looks like the second battle has started. So... The time for this RAZEL to make his move has also come."