According to the heavenly calendar, the year is 9024. On the fifteenth day of the twentieth month of the heavenly calender, the land of Milo Azaloth got destroyed into bits. Many perished along with that land. Some survived, and Razel was one of them.

Amidst the explosion, he teleported to his homeland, the land of portal origin. He was able to create portals using his dark energy. When he reached there, he was too frustrated to think anything. He kicked on the ground releasing his anger on it. He didn't calmed down just by kicking it for once. He kicked the ground continuously. He even started bleeding from his foot as he did not used any dark energy while kicking that hard ground. He shouted,

"Damn it! F*&k everything! Why the f*&k did this s#it even happened! Why... Why did father had to left my side!?"

After calming himself down, he said to himself,

"My father's dream was to become the true entity known as a GOD. Even though he died, he didn't failed... He passed his will onto me in hope that I will, someday, make his dream come true. Now, his dream is my dream!"

Many years passed. He did not though about anything other than achieving his dream. He did not wanted to involve his child in his trifle. He read all of the books and scrolls which was given to his father by the elemental gods. He even gained the knowledge of time periods from those books. He also learnt that whenever an entity with a core alma of any abstract object dies, his or her core alma's energy gets transferred to his next generation.

He did not seemed to completely believe the words of that book. However, after trying for himself, he realized that he has the energy of earth, air, fire and water inside his body.

In a few more years, he got even stronger than he was when he fought alongside his father against the elemental gods. The year was 9040. Since the heavenly calendar has 24 months, now his age was more than fifty five. During all this, only sixteen years had passed on Earth.

From some of the books which he read, he learnt about the HEAVENS and their formation. There is only one heaven, which is situated in a different dimension where the beings of lower stature can never enter. However, there are different kinds of floors in the Heaven. That's why, the heaven is said in plural form, which is 'heavens'. There are also four other spatially differential heavens. These heavens are situated on different locations. One of the total of these five heavens, which is ruled by Indra, is said to be the land of Indra. Another one of these heavens is ruled by 'GOD' and it is said to be the land of 'GOD'.

The heaven is divided into four floors. Each floor has two heavenly guards, who guard the heavenly gate with their lives. Some of the selected demi gods or low level gods rule over the fourth floor of the heaven. Some of the middle level gods rule over the third floor of the heaven. The second floor of the heaven consists of the higher gods. On the top of the the heaven, exists the throne of gods. That throne is the spot of the king of heaven, in other words, INDRA.

Indra in the king of heaven, and also the king of gods. Weaklings have no chance of meeting him. He only listens to the words of those who can complete his trial. He had faced some of the strongest entities in his past, however, right now, the world in which he has been living has gotten a lot more peaceful. Razel also read about a weapon which can harm him, and that was the HEAVENS SLAYING SWORD. This weapon was created by one of the greatest demon to ever exist. Milleniums ago, he defeated Indra in a huge war and earned the name of 'INDRA-CONQUEROR'. He ruled over Indra's throne until he was killed by just a normal human. The normal human had the blessing of the goddess of sleep and had never slept in his entire life. However, 'Indra-Conqueror' was cursed by the goddess of sleep that he can only be killed by a person who has never slept in his entire lifetime. All that said, the heavens slaying sword was never found and disappeared without a trace.

Razel wanted to get the Heavens slaying sword into his grasp and travelled through multiple dimensions in its search. Four years past and he still did not found the heavens slaying sword. Even though he was disappointed himself, he did not gave up on his search. While he was still roaming the different types of dimensions in search of the mighty heavens slaying sword, someone was searching for him.

By a complete coincidence, he came across one of his greatest enemy, WANG LEI. Wang Lei was the same age as him, sixty four. Wang Lei recognized him the moment he met him. He remembered his dark energy and the look of his face. He shouted,

"R-R-R-R-R-R-R-RAZEL!!!! I finally found you!"

Razel did not remembered much about him, however, he did not forget his voice. His high toned voice which was filled with braveness. Razel shouted,

"Stop right there, Wang Lei!"

Before Wang Lei could attack him, Razel created a protective wall from the ground in their between. Soon, the wall stretched out and created a cage around him. Now, Lei was trapped inside a stone cage created by Razel. However, Lei had no problem in destroying that cage with his divine energy. Whenever Lei destroyed the cage, Razel created another one. This process repeated again and again. Whilst this, Razel started explaining everything about the heavens and the heaven slaying sword to him. After a few seconds later, Razel started getting slower and Lei, in comparison to Razel, got faster. Finally, he broke out of Razel's cage.

Now, Lei had also understood everything about the heavens and the heaven slaying sword. He stopped fighting Razel and asked him,

''So... Why the hell are you telling this to me!"

Razel smiled and said,

"I'm glad that you are finally ready to talk. Listen to me very carefully. I have seen the future with my demonic eyes... And that future isn't something you would want to see. A far superior being than that Afrozwein, which you encountered, is going to awaken. He is his son, Navertozwein! And... He is going to approach for the heaven slaying sword. Before he can find it, I have to find it and keep it protected until my very last breath."

After listening to Razel, Lei said,

"Hmph! Who the hell are you fooling! What happened about your dream?"

Razel replied with a deep voice tone,

"I... Have already given up on that dream. I need your help! I cannot find that sword only by myself! I need your help in finding that Heavens slaying sword!"

Lei replied to him,

"A few months ago, my wife, Sylvia, passed away due to an infectional disease. I have gotten weak without anyone backing me... I'm sorry to say this, however, I won't be able to help you much."

Razel smirked, and said,

"Don't worry. I will back you. I'll give you the support to keep moving forward. Please... Just help me to find it."

Lei's expression suddenly changed when he heard Razel's pleasing words. He decided to throw away his enmity and team up with Razel in the search of the the heavens slaying sword. Lei said to him,

"Fine. Let's search for it together."

While Lei said this, Razel thought to himself,

"Ha! Like I'll ever give up on my dream! Just wait until I find the that sword. After that, I'm going to toss you aside like garbage!"