While Ereshkigal was a few metres away from Lemures, in the middle of the sky, she also witnessed Lemures standing on the ground with his head raised above, waiting for her to come.


As she landed on ground, her head was bended downwards as she was looking at the ground. Slowly, she raised her head and the scene in front of her was completely unbelievable.

All of a sudden, her legs started trembling. Her complete body was shaking because of a murderous Gi into her vicinity. She felt as if the land on which she stood had almost disappeared below her legs. In front of her eyes, there lied a corpse. It was the corpse of none other than her partner, Lemures. His head was de-attached from his body. Lemures had regenerative powers and he was able to keep on regenerating until his head was completely destroyed. Even if his head was to be beheaded from his body, he would still be able to regenerate a new body from his neck. Most of the hellish gods have these major trait, however, in front of Ereshkigal's eyes, there were sliced up pieces of one's brain on the ground.

She was not able to move from her location. She saw a shady figure which seemed of a man, to walk away from this scenario with his back faced towards her. Blood squished out of that corpse's neck and that blood was completely black. That black blood was also visible on the shady person's hand. A few seconds later, that shady person exited the crime scene. Despite him walking away, Ereshkigal kept standing at her position for a few more minutes. After that, she walked towards the corpse and noticed that Lemures had passed away.

It was a complete mess. Within a five metre of radius, blood was splattered across the land. At some place, Lemures's eyes were fallen and at some place his ears. A scorpion came across his torn off face and started eating his lips. His brain material, nerves and skull tissues were visible all across the desert. After looking at this gorey visual, Ereshkigal thought to herself,

"W-what was that terrifying existence... Hopefully he didn't saw me.. But, he was also not able to sense my Gi! This must mean he was a human! Lemures died by the hands of a human, who did not had any type of Gi! He was too fast... The moment I saw Lemures looking at me while I was in midair, after landing, the next thing which I knew was Lemures's head being explode! I didn't even saw Lemures fighting with that human... He was too fast! As fast as if he stopped time! B-but that's just not possible... S-should I report this to my lord?!... No, this will increase his worry and he would start distrusting me... But, what would happen if that human tried to interfere in my lord's goals? Wait... My lord has almost reached his goal and if this human was planning to interfere, he would have killed me first!"

And so, the next day came.

______________7th JANUARY_______________

Ereshkigal started sensing for Alcesto's divine Gi. Despite being more than nine and a half thousand kilometres away from them, she was able to easily sense Alcesto's godly Gi. As she got aware of Alcesto's presence, she created a dimensional portal which was formed exactly behind the gymnasium in which Alcesto, Schwartz, Jae-Hyuk and Zhao were training in.

She had earned enough information about human world to know what a 'gymnasium is'. Ereshkigal observed Alcesto and his comrades for 7th and 8th January. During this time period, she wrote all the information in the 'notepad' of a smartphone she stole by killing a few humans. The info she wrote is as follows:

"5000 hours. Alcesto was in the gym with his comrades. That must mean that he wakes up at around 4000 hours."

"7000 hours. All of they come back from the gym. Unable to know their inside information."

"9000 hours. The three of them travel to some kind of training room which is built in some kind of huge building titled 'slayer org'. They come out 1300 hours."

"They come back to their home, however, before coming back, Zhao separates herself from them. She head to some kind of 'magic trading arena' behind the so called building 'slayer org'."

"She comes out at 1600 hours. After that, she takes half an hour to reach back home."

"They don't come out of their home after coming back from the 'slayer org'."

On 8th January, 4:00 P.M., Ereshkigal decided to abduct Zhao. As Zhao was on her way to her house, she stopped at a coffee shop which was situated in some kind of shady and dark alley. Zhao stepped out of the Cafe while thinking to herself,

"Hmm... Japanese coffee really is great!"

She did not paid any attention to her surrounding. She never would have thought that one of Navertozwein's minion would be lurking out in the same vicinity as hers. As soon as she exited the cafe, she got attack by Ereshkigal's NON-EXTINGUISH-ABLE FLAMES.

It was a special type of ability which Ereshkigal had. She created a dark magic circle and the fire which was generated from the magical array was a mixture of black, purple and orange colour. Once her fire touches the target, it would only shut out until its target is completely turned into ash. Despite knowing nothing about Ereshkigal's infiltration on Earth, Zhao felt her murderous intent and dark Gi. For fighting so long with numerous demons and hellish god, Zhao earned her fare share of knowledge.

She counterattacked Ereshkigal's special magic by her seemingly equally powerful magic. Using her Gi, she created an orange coloured magic circle on the palm of her hands. The circle aflame and created her beautiful yellowish - red and orange coloured fire. She targeted Ereshkigal's palms and shouted,





Fusillade was Zhao's one of special moves. This allowed her to create a volley of short yet powerful and fast paced missile like fire blasts. This attack also caused the creation of a lot of smoke.

"Who the hell are you?! What do you want from me?!"

Zhao asked fiercely!

"FUFUFUFUFUFU! Lemme show you who I am!

Ereshkigal said menacingly.


This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this book are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.