As Arsenal burst into laughter like a maniac, Alcesto and others already ran away from their mansion as far as possible. All of a sudden, Arsenal stopped laughing and his mood got darker. 



He created a spatial portal and stepped slowly into it. He was outside the Arata mansion. However, he couldn't see Alcesto, Schwartz or Jae-Hyuk. After looking around for a while, Arsenal started laughing insanely. 

"Hm... KHWUAHAHAHHAHA! KHWUAHAHAHKHAKHAKHAKHA! Alcesto, I'm not letting you escape this quickly!"

Arsenal used his demonic energy to sense for Alcesto and his friends. He could see their spiritual manifestations running through the underground passage. 

In the present year, even the underground passages were blocked with loads of mechanisms. Arsenal never thought that they would use such routes. However, as soon as he saw them running through the underground in awkward motions, he remembered,