The driver drove off as Alcesto said whilst Alcesto took Schwartz inside the hospital and admitted him as quick as possible as Alcesto had a 'close' connection with the director of the 'Mirai Hoshi Gakuen'.

After sorting out things Alcesto too got into a special treatment medical room. He took a breath of relief whilst the doctor was examining him. He also thought to himself, 

"Finally... This horiffic night is 'bout to get over... Jae-Hyuk is safe now, Alcesto is being treated and... I can feel... The destined ones are going to meet today... Well, Arata would simply just not lose. I am for certain that he is going to take on Arsenal in a specific way... That even Arsenal wouldn't had thought of."

Alcesto had high belief in his son. Despite the fact that one side of him didn't wanted Arata to fight for his sake, but one side of him knew that if Arata didn't fought today, then someone would harm Arata himself tomorrow.
