ARC - 19 - CHAPTER - 134 - THE_DUST_OR_THUNDER /7.1/

The entity became silenced for a few seconds as his eyes got spread wide open. As his mood improved, the rain stopped. He started laughing heavily, 

"HOHOHOHOHO!!! You... You are an interesting human! I shall see more of your resolve in the future... Now, I have granted you your original powers. But, it is upto you to discover them!"

Arsenal smirked and said, 

"Yes... I'll be sure to understand them.. And... I'll become the true God! Not because it's my goal... But because I need to do that in order to fulfill my real goal! Now... Let me get out of this." 

"Sure. I, as one of the Gods of the highest level can at least do that... Now, behold you departure, to your home planet... I'll be creating a hole in the dimension!" 

The God like entity raised his hand forward and pointed his finger at a big rock just in front of Arsenal. As he did that, Arsenal thought, 

"H-how?! There was no rock just a few seconds ago-!"