Nakano continued, 

"Also, don't worry about your sisters being there Arata. We wouldn't allow them to be present in the battle area. They will only keep a watch on our surroundings."

"...I wouldn't really mind if you would promise me that you'd make sure to watch over them. You won't let them come in any harm's way. 

And, after all I think that it'd be better if you actually fulfilled their goals... Otherwise they'll eat my brain like the dragon fruit. 

I also don't really want to remain with Arsenal but since you're the one managing this, I wouldn't say anything. However, I still want to kill him right here and now over the fact that he tried to kill my family."

"Oh come on... I was being controlled, alright!" 

As Arsenal interrupted, he thought, 

"Huh! As if that was the case! But, I don't really have anything to deal with you... All I want is to fulfill my ancestors' wishes..."